Students Go Overseas中英留学风向标

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  By Holly Williams & Jenny Hill
  Sales 1)patter for Britain’s universities, selling themselves in China.
  Consultant A: Leeds is a great city for...for nightlife and also it’s got great shopping. I’m sure that you probably like shopping.
  Consultant B: You like shopping?
  Students: Yeah.
  But this is a serious business. Chinese students are already worth
  two billion pounds a year to the UK
  Consultant C: It is the biggest opportunity there is right now. Everyone feels it. Everybody in the UK is very very excited about China. China is what everybody wants right now.
  And what China wants is a British education. At Beijing’s New Talent Academy, the students have 2)opted to take 3)A-Levels; and nearly all of them have multiple offers from Britain’s top universities.
  For British universities, short of cash, wealthy foreign students are the perfect formula. The British government sets strict limits on how many UK students can go to university; but there are no limits at all on international students from outside the EU because they pay full fees.
  British students have rioted because their government 4)subsidized fees are going up. But that wouldn’t happen here. They are happy to pay fees of up to £27,000 a year.
  Teacher (Beijing New Talent Academy): As you know Chinese parents, they have been preparing for their education from a very young age. They can spend all the money they have just on education.
  Their British education might not come cheap, but it’s a price they are happy to pay.

  You’re looking at the birthplace of the European Union, but there’s so much more to this southern corner of The Netherlands. Maastricht is an old city, it’s a tourist city, and now it’s a student city.
  People come from all over the world to study in Maastricht. In fact, 43% of the students at the university here are from outside of The Netherlands. Among them is a small but growing number of youngsters from The UK.
  Theresa Bullock (student): I was here for maybe four weeks before I met English people.
  These students told us why. UK university places are over-subscribed.
  Theresa: We had some Dutch songs, we had some German songs and a few English songs.
  It’s also cheaper here. Theresa’s tuition fees: £1,500 a year.
  Theresa: It’s hard enough getting into university in The UK anyway, and then with all the cuts and everything, it’s just made it impossible, almost, for a lot of people to get to where they want to go. So coming here, it’s…it’s nice, and you don’t have that pressure of “can I actually go to university?” It’s “I can go to university.”
  Teacher: The King lost all of his remaining power.
  We 5)tagged along to the first lecture of the day: the French Revolution. Most courses are taught in English. Entrance requirements are relatively low, but Dani, like all the other students here, must take exams every eight weeks.
  Dani Older: They have the places to offer at the moment, and I think that 6)willst not to change over the next few years. The attitude to education here in general is just very different. They want to offer everyone the opportunity, which does mean you do tend to get quite a few drop-outs in the 1st year. But, again, this just sort of focuses, then, that the quality towards the 2nd and 3rd year is really high, because the people that are studying really want to be there.
  Gerard Mols (Professor, Maastricht University): We are a very international university, and the international classroom is quite an experience for students. It’s an international experience, because they meet students from different countries, with different languages, with different political and religious backgrounds, and they learn to work together.
  The students we met here expect to graduate with no debt and a much higher chance of getting a job. The university does expect tuition fees to rise. Still, to study here, they’ll tell you, is to invest in the future.

  A-Level是英国的高中课程,全称为General Certificate of Education Advanced Level。它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程。A-Level课程证书被几乎所有以英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。由于该课程体系的权威性得到了国际上的广泛认可,迄今为止,全球已有5000多个教育机构开设了英国高中课程,每年有数百万学生参加由这些考试局组织的统一考试。
我们也许惧怕未来。如今,“末日论”不绝于耳,恐慌之余,我们想象中的未来也许真的是个残破不堪的世界……  我们也许期盼未来。未来是怎样的,我们不知道。可有一点是肯定的,创造未来的是我们,未来带给我们的是无限的可能性。唯有对未来充满美好的希冀,我们才有力量去创造一个美好的明天。  Never Give up on Hope Never give up on hope, never give up, w
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“为什么我们的学校总是培养不出杰出人才?”这是著名的“钱学森之问”。  “为什么杰出的人才在消失?”这是安·兰德的思考。  电影改编自俄裔美国作家、哲学家安·兰德(Ayn Rand)的同名小说,它向人们展示了一幅“如果人类的思想开始罢工——如果每一个行业最具创造能力的人都停止工作,消失不见——世界将会是怎样?”的图景。  影片从日渐没落的家族企业——塔格特泛陆运输公司的现状讲起。公司现任总裁为家族
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Taylor Swift started her career when she was just  16, and she’s 21, so in the last five years this “child”  has basically grown up before our eyes. She is one of  the most famous people in the world.
这是美国专栏作家雷吉娜·布瑞特(Regina Brett)在其专栏上发表的人生感悟。刊登后,这些精辟的话被读者们以email的形式争相转发,在网络上广为流传。2010年,布瑞特甚至以这些箴言为主线,结合自己曾经酗酒、当未婚妈妈、战胜癌症等经历出版了《God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life’s Little Detours》一书。  1. Life isn’t
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