Elongation of the Uppermost Internode for Changxuan 3S,a Thermo-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice Li

来源 :水稻科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshixiaomei110
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Changxuan 3S, a thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice line with eui gene, is derived from the TGMS rice line Peiai 64S by irradiation with 350 Gy of 60Co y-ray. To elucidate the uppermost internode elongation of the TGMS line with eui gene, Changxuan 3S and its parent Peiai 64S were used to study the effects of temperature on panicle exsertion. At 24℃, the uppermost intemode of Changxuan 3S elongated the fastest from the 4thday before flowering to 0 day (flowering), being 2.1-fold as that of Peiai 64S, whereas it elongated slowly during the 12thday to the 4thday before flowering and the 1st to the 3rd day after flowering. The uppermost internode of Changxuan 3S exserted from the flag leaf sheath at 22℃, 24℃ and 26℃, and the length of elongated uppermost intemode increased with the decreasing temperatures. At 28℃, though the panicles of Changxuan 3S were still enclosed in the leaf sheath, the degree of panicle enclosure was significantly lower compared with Peiai 64S. Cytological studies on Changxuan 3S showed that the uppermost intemode elongation was attributed to the increase of cell number and cell elongation, and the latter was more significant. Moreover, the numbers of outermost and innermost parenchyma cells and the cell length of the uppermost internode reduced with the increasing temperatures.
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