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前不久,在嘉德四季春拍的陶瓷专场拍完之后,一老友请笔者到其家中看看他收藏的几件瓷器,不期竟见到不少高仿“杰作”。老友早年前任职于一家陶瓷场,对陶瓷颇有研究,老友看笔者也是同道中人,先为笔者拿出一件“大清光绪年制”款的矾红底白彩勾莲纹葫芦瓶。初看此瓶器型规整、釉色老旧、胎体也显老旧、底部磨损亦显老旧,看似有些年头了。但总觉得有点不对, 白彩有点浮于矾红底之上,且初看款式也较规整但总觉得有点过了,最后在老友的追问下,笔者断定应不为光绪朝之物,最终把其定为民国仿的。话音刚落,老友大笑,说是最近才仿的,已有几个人看过了,都说是光绪的。最后在他的指点下,笔者找到了此高仿瓷的破绽,葫芦瓶的口部较光绪一朝的略低,而且确实有笔者前面所断定的那样,款和白彩也是最大的破绽,而此器作假作得最好的地方当属圈足。 Not long ago, in the Guardian four seasons after the spring auction of the film, an old friend asked the author to his home to see a few pieces of his collection of porcelain, unexpectedly saw a lot of high imitation “masterpiece.” Older friends worked in a ceramic field early years, quite a study of ceramics, my friends look at the author is also a fellow, first for the author come up with a “Qing Guangxu year system” section of alum red white lotus leaf gourd bottle. At first glance this bottle-type regular, old glaze, the carcass was also old, the bottom wear was also old, seemingly some years. But always felt a bit wrong, white color floating a little on the red base, and the first look at the style is more regular but always felt a little bit over, and finally in the question of the old friend, I concluded that the object should not be for the Guangxu, and ultimately Set it as the Republic of imitation. Voice faded, old friends laughed, saying that recently Imitation, has seen a few people, say it is Guangxu. Finally, under his guidance, I found this high imitation porcelain flaws, gourd bottle mouth slightly lower than the Guangxu once, and indeed I have previously concluded that paragraph and white color is the biggest flaw, and The best place to make this fake idol.
消旋15甲基前列腺素F_(2a)甲酯(结构见图1) 为前列腺素的衍生物。试用于临床作为终止妊娠药物,在畜牧业上促进产仔,增加奶量。前列腺素的测定方法很多,文献报道有高 Racemi
中国国际竞争力评价及未来发展战略赵彦云   一、世界国际竞争力报告的评价最具权威的世界经济论坛世界国际竞争力评价报告,1995年公布了对全世界49个主要国家和地区的国际竞争力
空白空间画廊由Alexzander Ochs于2004年2月在北京798艺术区创立。作为柏林画廊总部的分支,由田源女士任艺术总监。在柏林画廊专注于亚洲艺术家展览的同时,北京空白空间也将
将满山香(Schisandra Propinqua云南玉溪产)藤切碎,水蒸汽蒸馏,得黄色轻油0.05%,n_D~(13) 1.4982,气相色谱(岛津GC-RIA型)显示29种成分,用标准品添加法鉴定了10种成份(归一
我省所发掘出来的中草药——“冬凌草”是用于治疗食管癌、贲门癌的一种草药。该药系唇形科(Labiatae)香茶菜属(Rabdasia)植物,学名碎米亚 Rabdos-ia rubescen s Hemsl)。近