
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luqing77
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Objectives.- The GRECO study has collected data on pregnancies, regardless of their outcome, that occurred in women taking an oral contraceptive. Patients and methods.-The analysis concerned 551 women prospectively recruited in services of gynaecology or obstetrics, termination of pregnancy centres, family planning centres or consultations of gynaecology in France throughout 2002 and who were 12 weeks pregnant or less. Results.-Contraception used during the cycle of conception was an estroprogestative combination in 88% of cases, a microprogestative in 8.7% , a macroprogestative in 0.9% or another type of pill in 2.4% . Progestatives were levonorgestrel 59.0% , gestoden 17.2% , desogestrel 4.7% , norethisterone acetate 2.9% , norgestimate 1.8% , cyproterone acetate 2.0% , norgestrel 1.6% . When asked about the potential cause of the oral contraceptive failure, 76.9% of women reported events such as missed pills which were the most frequent cause of failure (60.8% of failures and 80.1% of events, 2.7 ± 2.7 missed pills), followed by vomiting and diarrhoea. 81.5% of women chose to terminate their pregnancy. Discussion and conclusion.-The GRECO study, despite its limitations (retrospective collection of missed pills data, declaratory data)-showed that missed pills, even once, were the most common reason for oral contraceptive failure. The most frequent decision was the termination of pregnancy. Objectives .- The GRECO study has collected data on pregnancies, regardless of their outcome, that occurred in women taking an oral contraception. Patients and methods. -The analysis concerned 551 women prospectively recruited in services of gynaecology or obstetrics, termination of pregnancy centers, family planning centers or consultations of gynaecology in France during 2002 and who were 12 weeks pregnant or less. Results. - Contraception used during the cycle of conception was an estroprogestative combination in 88% of cases, a microprogestative in 8.7%, a macroprogestative in 0.9 % or another type of pill in 2.4%. Progestatives were levonorgestrel 59.0%, gestoden 17.2%, desogestrel 4.7%, norethisterone acetate 2.9%, norgestimate 1.8%, cyproterone acetate 2.0%, norgestrel 1.6%. When asked about the potential cause of the oral contraceptive failure, 76.9% of women reported events such as missed pills which were the most frequent cause of failure (60.8% of failures and 80.1% of events, 2.7 ± 2.7 missed pills, followed by vomiting and diarrhea. 81.5% of women chose to terminate their pregnancy. Discussion and conclusion .- The GRECO study, despite its limitations (retrospective collection of missed pills data, declaratory data) - showed that missed pills, even once, were the most common reason for oral contraceptive failure. The most frequent decision was the termination of pregnancy.
<正> 一、屏风的组成和用途我国著名园林——扬州瘦西湖,不但有着优美的山色、花卉、林木,还具有丰富的文化内涵。在其接待室内,就有一组黄花梨嵌瓷板屏风颇受游客好评,每每
很早,就想去看看广东开平的碉楼。 在广州的天河大厦,我们上了驶往开平市的长途汽车。经过二个小时的高速路行程,渐渐的路旁出现了一掠而过的碉楼,看到车窗外这些略带苍凉的
Objective: This study was undertaken to document pregnancy and infant outcome after cord coagulation with laser and/or bipolar as a technique for selective feti
患者 女,32岁,G2P0.孕15周产前筛查结果显示18三体高风险1∶20.孕19周时经B超检测发现:羊水过少,未探及明显的胎肾组织回声;孕20周B超再次检查显示:胎儿双肾不清.患者于孕21周接受脐静脉穿刺检查胎儿染色体核型,脐血染色体核型为:47,XY,+9. 引产后胎儿病理解剖显示:颅骨塌陷,眼窝凹陷,外观及内脏未见明显畸形。