Don’t Be Afraid of the Influenza A(H1N1)等

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  Don’t Be Afraid of the Influenza A(H1N1)等
  The influenza A(H1N1) has appeared in almost every country since being identified earlier this year. It seems to be a threat to our health.
  Why are we so worried about this flu when hundreds of thousands die every year from seasonal influenza? The influenza A(H1N1) appears to be as contagious as seasonal influenza, and is spreading fast particularly among people from ages 10 to 45. It is a new virus and one to which most people have no or little immunity, and therefore, this virus could cause more infections than are seen with seasonal flu.
  But you should not be afraid of it. If you form a good personal hygiene habit such as sufficient sleep, attendance in exercise, reduced pressure, enough nutrition, and so on, you can effectively prevent the A(H1N1) flu.
  And now, the flu will be no longer a terror, because the vaccine for the A(H1N1) strain of flu has been mass production. The health care workers will be among the first to get vaccinated, because they are on the front-line of fighting the virus. Other priority groups include people with underlying chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma or cardiovascular problems.
  chimp Is nuts for puma cud
  SHE has a tender heart, a nice hairy shoulder to cry on and she knows where the baby wipes are. So Anjana the chimpanzee is well qualified to kitten-sit orphaned puma cub Sierra, helping the humans at a South Carolina zoo with all the feeding, cuddling, and chasing duties.
  The chimp has lived her whole life at the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species.
  “If Sierra is running around too fast, then Anjana will scoop her up so she doesn’t get into any trouble,” director Bhagavan Antle said.
  Anjana has already helped to bring up two royal white tiger cubs, a leopard and four lions.
  “If you need a baby wipe, you can just tell her and she’ll run off and get it,” Dr Antle said.
  Question:Who is “SHE” (the underlined word in Paragraph 1) and what is her name?
  Comments on the 60th hina Anniversary in Beijing
  The New York Times:
  The vast display of military power received by far the most attention. While China’s military remains well behind that of many developed nations in sophistication and firepower, analysts said, its progress since the last such parade in 1999 was impressive.
  The two-hour parade of picture-perfect soldiers, tanks and missiles, floats and 100,000 well-drilled civilians was a proud moment for many Chinese citizens.
  ths Abt of WAB IN THS us TV DRAMAS
  The Art of War is well-known as a book on the art of war. It is also recognized as an encyclopedia about business and management. The book is popular around the world, and foreigners are fascinated by the strategies created by Sun Tzu. You can see the aphorisms be quoted everywhere, even in dramas.
  For example, in the hot TV drama Prison Break, the FBI spy Mahone ever said, “Sun Tzu said that if you know your enemy, you need not fear 100 battles. I know these men, who they are, where they come from, where they want to go.”
  Is it incredible? If you are careful enough, you will find that in TV dramas, there are more aphorisms quoted from The Art of War.
  Do you find others?
  Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman(A live-action American television series based on the Superman comic books)
  Lex Luthor: Sun Tzu was a general of ancient, Imperial China. He teaches us, I’m paraphrasing of course, that knowledge precedes victory; ignorance precedes defeat.
  Bones (An American comedic drama television series)
  Brennan: In 500 BC, Sun Tzu devotes attention to intelligence gathering in The Art of War. He argues that all wars are based on deception.
  Glee (An American musical comedy-drama television series)
  Kurt: Sun Tzu says in his Art of War to never let the enemy know you. Our greatest weapon could be the element of surprise.
  The Real Image of Your Face in the Mirror
  You have often looked into a mirror, of course. But you haven’t seen the real image of your face yet. And this is why you couldn’t see it.
  When you look into a mirror, you don’t see your face as other people see it. You see a reversed image. If you close your left eye, your image closes its right eye. If you touch your right ear with your right hand, your image touches its left ear with its left hand.
  If you have two small mirrors, you can see your face as your friends see it. You hold two mirrors at right angles to each other and look into them, as shown in the picture. After some practice you will be able to see the real image of your face.
  What’s your explanation to it?
  influenza A(H1N1) 甲型H1N1流感 seasonal influenza 季节性流感 contagious 传染性的 immunity 免疫 seasonal flu季节性流感
  hygiene卫生 vaccinate 接种疫苗 underlying 潜在的
  chronic慢性病 diabetes糖尿病 asthma 哮喘
  cardiovascular 心血管的 chimp 黑猩猩nuts热衷的
  puma 美洲豹 cub 幼仔 baby wipe婴儿湿巾
  chimpanzee 黑猩猩 kitten-sit 照看小动物 cuddle拥抱
  the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species 濒危和珍稀动物研究所
  scoop up抱起 leopard豹子 floats 花车 well-drilled 训练良好的 civilian百姓 The Art of War 孙子兵法
  encyclopedia 百科全书 strategy 策略 aphorisms 警句,格言
  deception 计谋
摘要:绘本是一种图形式的课程教育资源,它能发展幼儿的语言,提升幼儿的审美能力。在幼儿园教育阶段,图画样式的绘本可以激发幼儿的阅读兴趣,这是因为绘本教学依循了幼儿的学习规律,对幼儿的想象力发展和审美认知起到了促进作用,让教师对幼儿的信息摄取和信息提炼方面的教学更加完整。本文分析了在幼儿园教育中展开绘本教育的策略,以期能对提高教师教学的有效性有所帮助。  关键词:幼儿园教育 绘本 教学有效性  从《幼
仙后的国度,永远都是黑夜。从她的宫殿望出去,天幕永远清冷、漆黑、嵌满群星。而她也永远美得让人心碎,连她自己都没得选择。  在这永恒不变又永无止境的黑夜里,仙后决定召开一场舞会。她站在宫殿窗前看着群星,侍女们则忙着帮她更衣打扮。  “所有人都回应了吗?”仙后问道。  “除了夜影女侯爵,陛下。”侍女们禀报。或许只是一个人在回答,或许是所有人。但对仙后来说,区别并不大。她们看着她的表情一成不变。  “岂
当今社会对于著作权的保护已经相当重视,即使如此,由于艺术品评价标准的不确定性,艺术领域的著作权保护仍然存在许多难以解决的实际问题,以至于“赝品”屡见不鲜,甚至出没于各大拍卖会场。在著作权保护法出现之前,这种情况更是严重,越是著名的画家,其假画就越是泛滥。于是许多大画家都八仙过海各显神通,用自己的办法来“打假”。  齐白石(1864—1957),原名纯芝,号渭青,后改名璜,号濒生,别号白石、杏子坞老
时代在前进,社会在发展,人们的视野、思维、认知等不断超越前代,高考作文的命题形式也在不断创新,并与时代接轨。命题材料由过去提供单一的信息转向多元材料的呈现,命题立意也由过去倾向于学生对个人生活、思想情感的认知和抒发转向更为宏大的社会认知。2018年全国高考8套试卷的作文命题就都充分体现了这一点。  下面,我们来分析一下2018年全国高考作文的命题内涵和共同点。  8套试卷的9个作文题目内涵都很丰富
2018年全国Ⅰ卷文学类文本阅读延续了考查小说的传统,文本取材于当代著名作家阿成的小说《赵一曼女士》。  《赵一曼女士》是首届“鲁迅文学奖”短篇小说奖获奖作品,原文4794字。文本貌似简单,题型较为稳定,但试题的“技术含量”很高,“言外之意”很深,对学生的理解、概括能力和审美素养提出了更高的要求。  现对各小题(参见第14页“文学类文本阅读原题呈现”)进行详细分析与评价,以期对2019年文学类文本
在过去很长一段时间里,科学家们一直认为翅膀是专为飞行而产生的结构。进化驱使一部分恐龙把它们细丝一样的毛发变成羽毛,进而形成翅膀,以便在空中飞行。也就是说,恐龙是为了能在空中飞翔才演化出羽毛和翅膀。但是新研究结果表明事实并非如此。近鸟龙很可能学会了借助翅膀滑翔  最早拥有翅膀的恐龙并不会飞,例如长得像鸵鸟的似鸟龙和上文提到过的拥有尖喙的通天龙。这些恐龙巨大而笨重,根本飞不起来。所以古生物学家提出了一