中共吉林省委 吉林省人民政府关于进一步实施县域突破战略若干问题的意见

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中共吉林省委八届二次全会根据党的十六大精神。结合我省实际,提出为促进全面建设小康社会,走新型工业化道路,建设工业省、科教省和生态省。要紧紧围绕这一目标任务,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,抓住国家实施东北等老工业基地振兴战略的机遇,进一步实施县域突破战略,加快农村工业化、城镇化进程,促进全省国民经济跨越式发展。特提出如下意见。一、任务目标进一步实施县域突破战略,要深入贯彻《中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决 The eighth plenary session of the CPC Jilin Provincial Party Committee was based on the spirit of the 16th Party Congress. Combining with the reality of our province, we proposed to promote the building of a well-to-do society in an all-round way, to take a new road to industrialization, and to build an industrial province, a science and education province, and an ecological province. It is necessary to closely focus on this goal and tasks, fully implement the important concept of the “three represents,” and seize the opportunity for the State to implement the revitalization strategy of the Northeast and other old industrial bases, further implement the county-level breakthrough strategy, accelerate the process of rural industrialization, urbanization, and promote The provincial economy has developed by leaps and bounds. I hereby make the following comments. First, the mission objectives to further implement the county-level breakthrough strategy, we must thoroughly implement "the CPC Central Committee on the improvement of the socialist market economic system, a number of issues
1 患者,女,30岁,农民。右侧颊粘膜正对5454┼处有线头状爬行物伴局部痒感2天,前来我科就诊。体查:患者发育良好,有慢性胃炎及牙周炎,其它未见异常。个人史:有吃瓜果及饮用不洁之水史(人畜共饮
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去年暑假,妈妈带我去北京看过天安门广场的降旗仪式,场面很壮观。我一直想看升国旗,我想那感觉一定会很不一样。今年 Last summer, my mother took me to Beijing to see th
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