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就在本期杂志即将交付印厂的时候,突然得到一个极具冲击力的消息:李宗伟的药检不过关。最早爆出这条消息的是马来西亚当地的一家名叫《马来西亚中国报》的报纸,消息称马来西亚羽总日前被世界羽联告知,该国一位羽毛球选手在世锦赛期间的A瓶尿样不过关。虽然马来西亚羽总没有透露这位运动员的名字,但从其所描述的条件:在8月的丹麦世锦赛和10月的仁川亚运会上均获得奖牌。明眼人一看便知此人非李宗伟莫属。这条消息一传出,恰似一石激起千层浪,媒体开始想尽一切办法打探更确实的信息,网上各种球迷的言论也铺天盖地。开车上班的途中听广播,就连一向不太关注体育 In this issue of magazines about to be delivered to the printing plant, suddenly got a very shocking news: Lee Zongwei’s drug test, however off. The earliest broke this news is a local Malaysian named “China Malaysia” newspaper, the news that the Malaysian feather total has been told by the BWF, the country’s badminton player A bottle of urine during the World Championship however turn off. Although Mabuharu did not disclose the name of the athlete, from the conditions it describes: medals at the Danish World Championships in August and the Incheon Asian Games in October. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this person is none other than Zong Wei. As soon as the news came out, it was like a stone arousing waves and the media began to try every possible means to inquire into more concrete information. The opinions of various fans on the Internet were also overwhelming. Car on the way to work listening to the radio, even less concerned about sports
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