Inverse Problem and Variation Method to Optimize Cascade Heat Exchange Network in Central Heating Sy

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:civili1844
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Urban heating in northern China accounts for 40% of total building energy usage. In central heating systems, heat is often transferred from heat source to users by the heat network where several heat exchangers are installed at heat source, substations and terminals respectively. For given overall heating capacity and heat source temperature, increasing the terminal fluid temperature is an effective way to improve the thermal performance of such cascade heat exchange network for energy saving. In this paper, the mathematical optimization model of the cascade heat exchange network with three-stage heat exchangers in series is established. Aim at maximizing the cold fluid temperature for given hot fluid temperature and overall heating capacity, the optimal heat exchange area distribution and the medium fluids’ flow rates are determined through inverse problem and variation method. The preliminary results show that the heat exchange areas should be distributed equally for each heat exchanger. It also indicates that in order to improve the thermal performance of the whole system, more heat exchange areas should be allocated to the heat exchanger where flow rate difference between two fluids is relatively small. This work is important for guiding the optimization design of practical cascade heating systems. Urban central heating in northern China accounts for 40% of total building energy usage. overall heating capacity and heat source temperature, increasing the terminal fluid temperature is an effective way to improve the thermal performance of such cascade heat exchange network for energy saving. In this paper, the mathematical optimization model of the cascade heat exchange network with three-stage heat exchangers in series is established. Aim at maximizing the cold fluid temperature for given hot fluid temperature and overall heating capacity, the optimal heat exchange area distribution and the medium fluids’ flow rates are determined through inverse problem and variation method. The preliminary results show that the heat exchange areas should be distributed equally for each heat exchan ger. It also indicates that in order to improve the thermal performance of the whole system, more heat exchange areas should be allocated to the heat exchanger where flow rate difference between two fluids is relatively small. practical cascade heating systems.
济南之春  地气一动,人们就开始常说一句话了:济南春脖子短。  济南就是春脖子短这一点不好。可是,是不是也正因如此,人们才更珍惜它呢?珍惜它的表现就是——无论是谁,挤出一切可以挤出的时间,在万物生发、极其集中的一段时间里,放下手中的活儿,拾掇自己的身体和心,成一座空房子,准备专心去装一些植物来,那些世界上最好的好物。  哦,惊蛰了,开始了——是谁,失手打翻了一杯隔夜的茶?某些不明所以的东西到来,白
我生活在此处,我的心在  那些红枣、鸭腿、菠菜、牛腩  沸腾的蒸汽里——我的衣裳呵,  刚从拥挤的人生旅客中回来,  刚从颓废的足球荧屏上走开,  刚从垂下的左腿隐逸里起身,  我倾倒酱油时有点分神,  一边是天使一边是婴儿,  我是谁?我又将去往何地?  冒着烟雾的铁锅可是夜访的魔王?  我哭着、歌着、婉转着  成为一幕戏剧。风声满耳,不可停歇。  我在对自己说话么?  那些美味的食材曾是千古观