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民俗学事业的有关活动,尽管有种种方面,但是主要的还是在于研究、探索民俗事象。一般情形如此,我个人的实践活动也不例外。我虽然在民俗学活动的好些方面尽过力,但是在长时期里,对于民俗各种现象——特别是民间文学方面的探究,无疑用力较多,成果也比较显著些。现在我试就这方面的活动过程简要地梳理一下,有的地方并附上些看法。 像过去曾说过的,我开始从事民俗学(主要是民间文艺学)理论的活动,在二十年代中期。当时我沉醉于民间文学,特别是歌谣的搜集、整理工作,同时开始了对它的理论思索。我在短时期内写作了十多篇关于歌谣(包括谚语)的随笔——《歌谣杂谈》,寄投北京大学出版的《歌谣》周刊。不久陆续在该刊上发表了。以后,我就经常写作一些关于民间文学的短论、随笔(如《绝句与词发源于民歌》、《蛋民文学的一脔》、《儿童游戏的歌谣》等)。在中大编辑刊物时,写作更多些。也正是在这些时期,我汇集所作编成一册论集《民间文艺丛话》出版(中大民俗学会丛书,1928)。有些较长的论文,如《楚辞的神话和传说》,后来还印成单行本(中大民俗学会,1930)。除谈论民间文学的论文外,据现在所记忆,有《七夕风俗考》(中大《语言历史学研究周刊》,1928)。《僮族考略》(同前)等。由于自己专业知识和相关科学(如民? Although there are various aspects related to folklore, the main thing is to study and explore folk customs. As a general rule, my personal practice is no exception. Although I tried my best to improve the folklore activities, I have undoubtedly exerted more efforts and made more achievements in exploring various folklore phenomena in the long run, especially in folklore. Now I will briefly outline the process of activities in this area. In some places, I will attach some observations. As I said in the past, I started to engage in the activities of folklore (mainly folklore) theories in the mid-1920s. At that time, I was intoxicated with the collection and arrangement of folk literature, especially the ballads, and at the same time started my thinking on it. I wrote more than a dozen essays on songs (including proverbs) in a short period of time - “Ballads Tan” and sent them to the “Ballads” magazine published by Peking University. Soon one after another published in the magazine. Later, I often write short essays on folklore, essays (such as “Quatrains and Ci Originated from Folk Songs,” “Egg of Folk Literature,” “Children’s Games Ballad”, etc.). Writing more in CUHK editing journals. It was also during these periods that I compiled and published a series of volumes entitled “Folk Literature and Congresses” (Series of Folklore Society of China University, 1928). Some of the longer papers, such as “The Myths and Legends of the Chu People,” were later printed as a solitary book (CUHK Folklore Society, 1930). Apart from the essays on folklore, what I now remember is the “Tanabata Customs Exam” (CUHK Linguistic Historiography Weekly, 1928). “Torture test” (same as before) and so on. Because of their professional knowledge and related science (such as people?
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