Incentives for Participation by Local Communities in the Establishment of Commercial Plantations in

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fei5301821
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The 1998 floods in China triggered the implementation of the Natural Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) which includes: (i) a logging ban over state-owned natural forests in order to protect the deteriorating natural environment, and (ii) strategies for the establishment of commercial plantations and relocation of laid-off forest workers, with the aim of mitigating the negative socioeconomic impacts of the logging ban. In this paper, Sichuan province is used as a case study to analyze the disincentives faced by local communities in developing commercial plantations and the institutional failure to address the disincentive issue. Insight on the necessity of ’real participation’ of local communities has been provided, and ways to create incentives as well as institutional rearrangement has been explored and recommended. The 1998 floods in China triggered the implementation of the Natural Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) which includes: (i) a logging ban over state-owned natural forests in order to protect the deteriorating natural environment, and (ii) strategies for the establishment of commercial plantations and relocation of laid-off forest workers, with the aim of mitigating the negative socioeconomic impacts of the logging ban. In this paper, Sichuan province is used as a case study to analyze the disincentives faced by local communities in developing commercial plantsations and the institutional failure to address the disincentive issue. Insight on the necessity of ’real participation’ of local communities has been provided, and ways to create incentives as well as institutional rearrangement has been explored and recommended.
一、单项选择题1.C2.C3.D4.D5.C6.B7.A8.A9.A10.D11.D12.D13.A14.C15.D16.D17.B18.B19.A20.B21.B22.B23.B24.A25.C二、多项选择题1.A、B、C2.A、D3.A、C、D4.A、B、C5.A、B、C6.A、B、D7.A、 First, a single choice 1. C2. C3. D4. D5. C6. B7. A8. A9. A10.
编辑同志: 近年来,随着国家对生态环境建设的重视,各地绿色通道工程,初具规模。由于绿色通道占地大,一般宽为10~50米,因而在生长季节林地杂草藤本丛生,缠绕林木,严重影响了林