,Models, methods and tools for ancestry inference and admixture analysis

来源 :定量生物学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nienie123nie
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Background:Genetic admixture refers to the process or consequence of interbreeding between two or more previously isolated populations within a species.Compared to many other evolutionary driving forces such as mutations,genetic drift,and natural selection,genetic admixture is a quick mechanism for shaping population genomic diversity.In particular,admixture results in "recombination" of genetic variants that have been fixed in different populations,which has many evolutionary and medical implications.Results:However,it is challenging to accurately reconstruct population admixture history and to understand of population admixture dynamics.In this review,we provide an overview of models,methods,and tools for ancestry inference and admixture analysis.Conclusions:Many methods and tools used for admixture analysis were originally developed to analyze human data,but these methods can also be directly applied and/or slightly modified to study non-human species as well.
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