Intensifying Gaseous Reduction of High Phosphorus Iron Ore Fines by Microwave Pretreatment

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kfanffvga
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Gaseous reduction kinetics of the high phosphorus iron ore fines from Hubei in China and effect of microwave pretreatment on the gaseous reduction behavior were studied. Gaseous reduction kinetics were investigated by TG (Thermogravimetric) methods using LINSEIS STA PT 1600 thermal analysis equipment. Microwave pretreatments to the ore fines with four power levels were performed using a high temperature microwave reactor. Its effect was examined by TG methods and its mechanism was analyzed by SEM (scanning electron microscope) and EDS (energy dispersive spectrometer). Gaseous reduction tests were carried out using a tubular furnace. Results of kinetic study indicate that controlling step of the gaseous reduction of the ore fines is a mixing control of gas internal diffusion and interface chemical reaction when reduction fraction is less than 0.8 and is solid state diffusion when reduction fraction is more than 0.8. Microwave pretreatment of the ore fines could change the pore structure of the oolitic unit to generate cracks, fissures and loose zones, which promotes reduction in the early stage and delays the occurrence of sintering. Gaseous reduction tests show in the condition that the ore fines are pretreated with a microwave power of 450 W for 4 min and reduced under temperature of 1 273 K, the gaseous reduction of the ore fines could be apparently intensified. Using CO or H2 as a reductant and ore fines being reduced for 1.5 to 2 h , increase of metallization rate of the ore fines is 10% to 13%. Gaseous reduction kinetics of the high phosphorus iron ore fines from Hubei in China and effect of microwave pretreatment on the gaseous reduction behavior were studied. Gaseous reduction kinetics were investigated by TG (Thermogravimetric) methods using LINSEIS STA PT 1600 thermal analysis equipment to. Microwave pretreatments to the ore fines with four power levels were performed using a high temperature microwave reactor. Its effect was examined by TG methods and its mechanism was analyzed by SEM (scanning electron microscope) and EDS (energy dispersive spectrometer). a tubular furnace. Results of kinetic study indicating that controlling the gaseous reduction of the ore fines is a mixing control of gas internal diffusion and interface chemical reaction when reduction fraction is less than 0.8 and is solid state diffusion when reduction fraction is more than 0.8. Microwave pretreatment of the ore fines could change the pore structure of the oolitic unit to generate cracks, fissures and loose zones, which promotes reduction in the early stage and delays the occurrence of sintering. Gaseous reduction tests show in the condition that the ore fines are pretreated with a microwave power of 450 W for 4 min and reduced under temperature of 1 273 K, the reduction of the ore fines could be apparently intensified. Using CO or H2 as a reductant and ore fines being reduced for 1.5 to 2 h, increase of metallization rate of the ore fines is 10% to 13%.
目的了解医疗机构消毒、灭菌效果,为预防和控制医院感染提供依据。方法对2010~2012年马山县县乡级医疗机构消毒效果监测资料进行分析。结果 2010~2012年合计检测各类监测对象
过敏性咳嗽  45岁的陈先生是一名环卫工人,每天的任务就是打扫两旁大树丛立的“中山大道”。随着天气渐渐变暖,最近这半个多月,他发现自己总是不停地打喷嚏、流鼻涕和咳嗽。  起初,他还以为是天气忽冷忽热着了凉,就随便吃了点抗感冒药,可后来仍不见好,又吃了一些止咳嗽化痰的药还是不顶用,而且咳嗽得越来越厉害。陈先生不得不来医院看医生。  经医生检查,结果才发现引起陈先生咳嗽的元凶竟然是大道两则的树木圆柏,
由中国印刷及设备器材工业协会、广东省印刷复制业协会、中国国际展览中心集团公司联合主办的第三届中国(广东)国际印刷技术展览会(PRINT CHINA 2015)将于2015年4月7日——12