
来源 :国外医学.精神病学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanghao2018
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由我国卫生部与世界卫生组织联合发起,并委托南京神经精神病防治院与南京儿童心理卫生研究中心举办的“儿童智能障碍讲习班”,于1986年5月5日至14日在江苏省南京市举行。参加者有来自全国各省、市、自治区的精神科医师、儿科医师、心理工作者及儿童特种教育工作者七十余人。主讲的外国专家有三人,中国专家有十二人。三位外国专家是英国曼彻斯特大学教育系、特种教育学教授Peter Mittler,美国哥伦比亚大学公共卫生系、流行病学教授Zena A.Stein,以及日本国立神经精神与肌肉疾病研究中心、弱智与生育缺陷研究部有马正高教授。主讲的中国专家有精神科方面的陶国泰、徐韬元、杨玲玲、凌永和、杨晓玲、单友荷及邱景华,儿科方面的郭迪、左启华及汪梅先,内分泌科的马泰及特种教育方面的朴永馨。世界卫生组织西太区精神卫生和药物依赖顾问新福尚隆也作了专题报告。会议期间,中外同道们进行多次座谈讨论。与会者一致认为,讲习班对促进国内外专业人员之间的经验交流有很大的助益。并认为,这次讲习班有两个突出的优点,一是除精神科专业人员参加外,很多儿科专业工作者、特种教育工作者及心理工作者也参加了,体现了不同学科通力合作的新局面。二是除外国专家演讲之外,国内专家也作了出色的报告,体现了我国近年来在儿童智能障碍的防治及研究领域内的新成就。与会者还一致感谢南京神经精神病防治院及儿童心理卫生研究中心为讲习班的举办所作的卓有成效的贡献。以下介绍的是外国专家在讲习班上演讲的主要内容,供全国同道参考。 By the Chinese Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization jointly initiated and commissioned by the Nanjing Institute of Neuropsychiatric Psychiatry and Nanjing Children’s Mental Health Research Center held “children’s mental retardation workshop”, in May 5, 1986 May 14 to 14 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province Hold. The participants included more than 70 psychiatrists, pediatricians, psychologists and children special education workers from all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the country. There are three foreign experts speaking, and twelve Chinese experts. Three foreign experts are Peter Mittler, a professor of special education at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, Zena A. Stein, a professor of epidemiology at the Columbia University School of Public Health, and the National Center for Neuropsychiatric and Muscular Disease Research in Japan. Ministry has Professor Ma Zhenggao. The keynote speakers of the Chinese experts include Tao Guotai, Xu Tao Yuan, Yang Lingling, Ling Yonghe, Yang Xiaoling, Shan Youhe and Qiu Jinghua in the psychiatric field, Guo Di, Zuo Qihua and Wang Mei Xian in pediatrics, Matteo in Endocrinology and Park Yong- . A special report was also made by Shinzo Fukuchiro, a consultant on mental health and dependence in the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organization. During the meeting, Chinese and foreign fellow citizens held many discussions and discussions. Participants agreed that the workshop is of great help to promote the exchange of experiences between professionals from within and abroad. He also said that this workshop has two outstanding advantages. One is that in addition to the participation of psychiatric professionals, many pediatric professionals, special education workers and psychologists also participated in the seminar, reflecting the new cooperation between different disciplines situation. Second, in addition to foreign experts’ speeches, domestic experts also made outstanding reports, embodying new achievements made in the field of prevention and control of children’s intellectual disabilities in recent years in our country. The participants also unanimously thanked the Nanjing Neuropsychiatric Hospital and the Child Psychological Research Center for their fruitful contributions to the seminar. The following is the introduction of foreign experts in the workshop on the main content for national fellow reference.
【摘 要】随着我国经济的不断发展,各地纷纷出现了许多高层建筑,这是社会发展的必然需求。就现代高层建筑施工特点及技术实施探讨,重点分析高层建筑于主要环节的施工技术等提出一些粗浅认识。  【关键词】高层建筑;施工技术;发展;研究  随着我国经济的不断发展,现有的高层建筑物不论是在高度方面或是层数方面均已不能适应人们生活水平的需要。因土地资源的缺少和适应城市标志性及功能方面的必然要求,现代超高层建筑于近
本文采用两种混凝剂—氯化铁和硫酸铝对两种水质中两种价态的砷进行了除砷试验。结果表明:1.氯化铁去除很软水和硬水中0.34±0.01mg/L As~(5+)的适宜剂量分别为10和20mg/L左