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源起于2008年美国次贷危机的全球性资本主义经济危机彰显了西方主流经济学应对危机的乏力。在批判萨伊“三位一体”公式和新古典边际生产力论之要素贡献决定要素分配思想的基础上,马克思的剩余价值思想及其分配理论作为一种结合特定生产关系解释分配关系的学说,不仅对资本主义分配关系的性质及其剥削问题作了深刻剖析,也为科学解释社会主义市场经济条件下合理分配社会主义剩余产品的应得利益提供了理论支持。在此基础上,通过合理调整收入分配关系,建立以效率为目的的市场调节与以公平为目的的制度调节相结合的社会产品价值包括剩余产品价值的分配方式,是基于马克思剩余思想和分配理论的研究视角不断改善当前收入分配制度的重要理论依据。 The global capitalist economic crisis that originated from the US subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 demonstrates the weakness of the crisis in response to the crisis in the mainstream western economy. On the basis of criticizing the Sayai “Trinity” formula and the essential contributions of neoclassical marginal productivity theory to the determinants of factor distribution, Marx’s theory of surplus value and its theory of distributive as a theory that explains the distributive relationship in combination with specific productive relations not only He also made a profound analysis of the nature of capitalist distribution and its exploitation and provided theoretical support for the scientific explanation of the due benefits of the rational distribution of surplus socialist products under socialist market economy. On this basis, through the rational adjustment of income distribution, the establishment of the distribution of social product value, including the residual product value, which combines market regulation with efficiency for the purpose and the system adjustment with the goal of fairness is based on Marx’s remaining thoughts and distribution theory From the perspective of research, it is an important theoretical basis to continuously improve the current income distribution system.
[摘 要] 物流与地理之间有着千丝万缕的紧密联系,这就决定了物流地理学科教学的必要性及重要意义。结合教学实践感悟,从“现实生活”及“实践运用”两个方面入手,就物流地理学科的创新教学方式方法展开了认真的分析与探讨。  [关 键 词] 物流地理;教学方法;现实生活;实践运用  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)22-0144-01  实践表明,不
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