Hydrogen storage in BC_3 composite single-walled nanotube:a combined density functional theory and M

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xixicoco606
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This paper applies a density functional theory(DFT) and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations(GCMC) to investigate the physisorptions of molecular hydrogen in single-walled BC 3 nanotubes and carbon nanotubes.The DFT calculations may provide useful information about the nature of hydrogen adsorption and physisorption energies in selected adsorption sites of these two nanotubes.Furthermore,the GCMC simulations can reproduce their storage capacity by calculating the weight percentage of the adsorbed molecular hydrogen under different conditions.The present results have shown that with both computational methods,the hydrogen storage capacity of BC 3 nanotubes is superior to that of carbon nanotubes.The reasons causing different behaviour of hydrogen storage in these two nanotubes are explained by using their contour plots of electron density and charge-density difference. This paper applies a density functional theory (DFT) and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations (GCMC) to investigate the physisorptions of molecular hydrogen in single-walled BC 3 nanotubes and carbon nanotubes. The DFT calculations may provide useful information about the nature of hydrogen adsorption and physisorption energies in selected adsorption sites of these two nanotubes. Future moieties, the GCMC simulations can reproduce their storage capacity by calculating the weight percentage of the adsorbed molecular hydrogen under different conditions. The present results have shown that with both computational methods, the hydrogen storage capacity of BC 3 nanotubes is superior to that of carbon nanotubes. The reasons cause different behavior of hydrogen storage in these two nanotubes are explained by using their contour plots of electron density and charge-density difference.
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