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巧卖冰激凌 美国有一个冷饮食品推销高原先生意清淡,为了促销,他特意在一家马戏团的剧场入口处免费赠送热的咸豌豆,不花钱而得美味,何乐而不为?许多观众边吃豌豆边看戏,真是美不可言。正当演出休息时,剧场各个角落突然跑出了一群卖雪糕,冰激凌的小孩子,观众刚吃完炒热的咸碗豆,正觉口干舌燥,一听卖冰激凌的声音,真是大旱遇甘霖,马上掏钱争相购买。一连五天,这位冷饮商用这种方法,将商品全部推销给了马戏迷们。 Clever selling ice cream in the United States there is a cold plate food marketing Mr. Italian light, in order to promote, he deliberately at a circus theater entrance free hot salted peas, spend money and delicious, why not? Many spectators Eating peas while watching the movie, really beautiful. During the performance of the break, all corners of the theater suddenly ran out of a group of children selling ice-cream and ice-cream. After the audience had just finished the hot and savory bowl of beans, they were feeling thirsty and a big ice storm Ganlin, immediately pay to buy. For five days, the cold drinks commercial this method, all the products sold to the circus fans.
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前不久, 有一家英国 媒体报道,全 球第二大零 售商法国的 家乐福,未经中国政府批准即开设分店,违反了有关合资公司在中国开设连锁零售店须经政府许可的规定。国家有关部门已
The Yong’an-Meitai area is the focus of the present exploration in the Fushan Depression,Beibuwan Basin,South China Sea. All oils from this area are geochemica
听说外地人到上海购物,最怕的不是上海人欺生或听不懂沪语,而是到处难寻厕所。 在前不久上海举行的国际工业博览会高级论坛上,一外国专家在台上当着各位贵宾的面大谈洗手间
电子商务从喧嚣走向平静,回归传统的务实经营。 电子商务涉及企业的方方面面,企业的信息化是企业电子商务的后台和基础。因此,客户关系管理(CRM)系统建设的浪潮扑面而来,很
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We report on our experience with two patients with pheochromocytoma. One patie nt underwent surgery of pheochromocytoma at the age of 30 y; 18 y later, medulla