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在我国观赏石的收藏历史源远流长,是我国传统文化中的一朵奇花。近几年,哈密地区随着人民物质文化生活水平的提高。一个新的开发、收藏观赏石的热潮正在悄然兴起,并开始走入市场。哈密地域辽阔,自然条件独特,通过地质工作者多年的考察得知,哈密有10大观赏石,可谓天工巧成,以其源于自然、高于自然的品性,集艺术性、知识性、趣味性于一体,被人们称为立体的画、无声的诗。这些值得珍藏的观赏石,据笔者所知,大约可分为10个不同的品种。一、美丽的孔雀石孔雀石古称石碌,又名绿宝石。孔雀石由于其晶体呈针状,通常呈放 The collection of ornamental stones in our country has a long history and is a strange flower in our traditional culture. In recent years, with the enhancement of people’s material and cultural life in Hami area. A new development, collection ornamental stone boom is quietly rising, and began to enter the market. Hami has a vast territory and unique natural conditions. According to many years’ investigation by geological workers, Hami has 10 large ornamental stones, which can be described as an artifice of Heavenly Creations. With its origin in nature and higher than the nature of nature, Hami possesses artistic, informative and interesting Sex in one, is called three-dimensional paintings, silent poetry. These worthy collection of ornamental stones, as far as I know, can be divided into about 10 different varieties. First, the beautiful malachite malachite ancient name of stone busy, also known as emerald. Malachite because of its crystal acicular, usually presented
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张学友勺~一_一/一/感特捉又 、·休斯倾//夕一一、、//了 、一之汁、、~一.声,明 分、二宁,不二厂岁尸赵、巩俐影人漫画@梁奇志 Jacky Cheung spoon ~ a _ a / a / sense
罗杰.摩尔达斯廷.霍夫曼霄莉.亨德莉尤尔.伯连纳影星漫画@林善杰 Roger Moldard, Hoffman, Xiao Li, Hendrulleer, Burnett, celebrity comic @ Lin Shan Jie
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