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人们大都喜欢在卧室、客厅、书房悬挂、张贴一些名人字画,点缀房间,增加美感。但挂贴字画也有如下讲究。少而精。切忌贪多求全,字画太多,会使人眼花瞭乱。产生疲劳和厌倦的感觉,最好精心选择几幅适合自己性格特点和情趣的字画。横竖错落。横幅的画一般描绘的是比较宽广的场景;而竖幅的画常是 Most people like hanging in the bedroom, living room, study, posting some celebrity calligraphy and painting, adorn the room, increase beauty. However, there is also attached to the following calligraphy and painting stress. Less but fine. Avoid excessive greedy, calligraphy and painting too much, will make people dazzled. Fatigue and tired feeling, it is best to carefully select a few suitable for their own personality and taste of the calligraphy and painting. Anyway, scattered. Banners generally describe the painting is a relatively broad scene; and vertical paintings often
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