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随着计算机的普及和网络技术的应用,电子文件的大量产生,目前档案计算机管理的状况将发生巨大的变化,其发展前景十分可观。一、档案管理中计算机应用的现状由于档案管理在企业中的非直接效益性,企业对档案的认识和重视不同,导致计算机在档案管理应用中良莠不齐。首先,计算机配置不能满足档案管理现代化的需求。有些企业档案部门计算机配置低,无法运行现在的Windows95/98、NT等操作系统,既阻碍了档案计算机管理的步伐,又使得档案管理人员的计算机应用水平得不到提高。这主要是由于在市场经济条件下企业对直接经济效益更感兴趣,对档案计算机管理的认识则有差别而造成的。当然不否认有些企业是由于效益不好,无暇顾及档案部门的发展。 With the popularization of computers and the application of network technologies, a large number of electronic files are produced. At present, the status of file computer management will undergo tremendous changes. Its development prospect is very promising. First, the file management status of computer applications As the file management in the enterprise’s non-direct benefits, corporate awareness of the file and the importance of different, leading to the computer in the file management applications vary greatly. First of all, the computer configuration can not meet the needs of modern file management. Some enterprises file department computer configuration is low, can not run the current Windows95 / 98, NT and other operating systems, not only hinder the pace of file computer management, but also makes file management staff computer application level is not improved. This is mainly due to the fact that enterprises are more interested in the direct economic benefits under the conditions of a market economy and that there is a difference in the understanding of archival computer management. Of course, it is not to deny that some enterprises are not benefiting from the benefits and they have no time to consider the development of the archives department.
智慧老人拥有一朵七色花,花瓣由“诚信”、“美丽”、“才学”、“机遇”、“健康”、“名誉”、“金钱”组成, The wise old man has a seven-colored flower. The petals
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婉儿,又是一个飘雨季节。我正在阁楼里整理唱片,窗外的雨声打断了我的思绪。这雨声真好听,就像当初你哼唱的那首《Yesterday Once More》。楼下有人在躲雨,一个小女孩,一条