Advantages and Disadvantages of Repair and Replacement of the Timber Element in Historic Buildings

来源 :建筑与文化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liqiuru1025
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During the modern city construction,the conservation of the historic buildings is especial important,for the future development is based on the historic accumulation.Timber element,which is the common material in the historic buildings,always sufferd by the varies natural or man-made factors,and finally lead to huge threaten to the entire structure.The conservation methods often changing according to the different circumstances and degree of destruction.This paper has introduced two approaches,repair and replacement,compared the advantages and disadvantages of each,and then summary the application of two methods in the light of conservation principle. During the modern city construction, the conservation of the historic buildings is especial important, for the future development is based on the historic accumulation.Timber element, which is the common material in the historic buildings, always sufferd by the variations natural or man-made factors, and finally lead to huge threaten to the entire structure. conservation methods often changing according to the different circumstances and degree of destruction.This paper has introduced two approaches, repair and replacement, compared the advantages and disadvantages of each, and then summary the application of two methods in the light of conservation principle.
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