Laparoscopic resection of a giant exophytic liver haemangioma with the laparoscopic Habib 4× radiofr

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mnswangjian
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Haemangiomas are the most common solitary benign neoplasm of the liver with an incidence ranging from 5% to 20%. Although usually small and asymptomatic, they may reach considerable proportions and rarely give rise to life-threatening complications. Surgical intervention is required for incapacitating symptoms, established complications, and diagnostic uncertainty. The resection of haemangiomas demands meticulous surgical technique, owing to their high vascularity and the concomitant risk of intra-operative haemorrhage. Laparoscopic resection of giant haemangiomas is even more challenging, and has only been reported twice. We here report the case of a giant 10 cm liver haemangioma which was successfully resected laparoscopically using the laparoscopic HabibTM 4×, a bipolar radiofrequency device, without clamping major vessels and with minimal blood loss. Transfusion of blood or blood products was not required. The patient had an uneventful recovery and was asymptomatic at 7-mo follow-up. Haemangiomas are the most common solitary benign neoplasm of the liver with an incidence ranging from 5% to 20%. Although there are usually small and asymptomatic, they may be able to achieve the proport proportions and rarely give rise to life-threatening complications. Surgical intervention is required for incapacitating symptoms , established complications, and diagnostic uncertainty. The resection of haemangiomas demands meticulous surgical technique, owing to their high vascularity and the concomitant risk of intra-operative haemorrhage. Laparoscopic resection of giant haemangiomas is even more challenging, and has only been reported reported twice. We here report the case of a giant 10 cm liver haemangioma which was successfully resected laparoscopically using the laparoscopic Habib ™ 4 ×, a bipolar radiofrequency device, without clamping major vessels and with minimal blood loss. Transfusion of blood or blood products was not required. The patient had an uneventful recovery and was asymptomatic at 7-mo follow- up.
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密钥生成是RSA公钥系统中的一个重要研究课题。本文介绍了密钥生成的一般方法,即确定性素数产生方法和概率性素数产生方法,并给出了利用MilerRabin测试和Pocklington定理生成强伪素数的算法实现。 Key
目的 研究临床常规使用含何首乌汤剂及中成药患者用药前后肝功能指标变化,分析其临床应用的肝损伤风险.方法 收集35例临床使用含何首乌汤剂或中成药患者的一般资料,并对患者