Surface microstructure control of microalloyed steel during slab casting

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wind2121
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Lots of work has been done to investigate slab surface microstructure evolution during continuous casting in order to improve hot ductility and avoid transverse cracks.The slab surface microstructure after continuous casting was characterized by optical microscopy,and the precipitation behavior was investigated by transmission electron microscopy.At the same time,the mechanical properties of the slabs were measured using a Gleeble 1500 Dthermal simulator and the transformation temperatures were examined by means of a thermal dilatometer.The experimental results show that homogeneous microstructure without film-like ferrites and chain-like precipitates at grain boundary can be obtained through surface intensive cooling and transverse cracks do not occur on the slab surface.For the experimental steel,fine ferrite can form at slab surface when the water flow rate is larger than 1560L/min at vertical section.As the distance to surface increases,microstructure turned to ferrite and pearlite.Moreover,nano-size carbonitrides precipitated in the ferrite grain and the size was larger at the junction of the dislocations.The mechanical experiment results show that the hot ductility of the sample deformed at 650°C was better than that of the sample deformed at 750°C.The reason is that filmlike ferrite formed at the grain boundary in the sample deformed at 750°C.Thus,the slab must be cooled quickly below Ar3 to prevent the occurrence of film-like ferrite and transverse cracks on the slab surface during casting. Lots of work has been done to investigate slab surface microstructure evolution during continuous casting in order to improve hot ductility and avoid transverse cracks. Slab surface microstructure after continuous casting was characterized by optical microscopy, and the precipitation behavior was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. At the same time, the mechanical properties of the slabs were measured using a Gleeble 1500 Dthermal simulator and the transformation temperatures were examined by means of a thermal dilatometer. The experimental results show that homogeneous microstructure without film-like ferrites and chain-like precipitates at grain boundary can be obtained through surface intensive cooling and transverse cracks do not occur on the slab surface. For the experimental steel, fine ferrite can form at slab surface when the water flow rate is larger than 1560L / min at vertical section. As the distance to surface increases, microstructure turned to ferrite and pearlite . Moreover, nano-size carbonitrides precipitated in the ferrite grains and the size was larger at the junction of the dislocations. The mechanical experiment results show that the hot ductility of the sample deformed at 650 ° C was better than that of the sample deformed at 750 ° C. The reason is that filmlike ferrite formed at the grain boundary in the sample deformed at 750 ° C. Thus, the slab must be cooled quickly below Ar3 to prevent the occurrence of film-like ferrite and transverse cracks on the slab surface during casting.
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