Heaven's Eyes Were Open Again (A Folk Tale of the She Ethnic Nationality)

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IN ancient times, the sky was as blue and clear as a large, round mirror. But one day a sudden gust of fierce wind blew in from the western sky and continued for days and days. On the ninth day, a cloud of smoke welled up from the west and covered the sun. The frightened people were left in terrible darkness. Yong Jian, a broad-shouldered youth who lived in Dongfeng Village at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain, made up his mind to remove the evil smoke and bring the sunshine back to the people. One day, Yong Jian met with an old man with a long beard. He told Yong Jian that there lived two nine-antler dragons in the western Shuanglong Mountain who had been preparing themselves for this moment for 9,990 years. The old man said that after the IN ancient times, the sky was as blue and clear as a large, round mirror. But one day a sudden gust of fierce wind blew in from the western sky and continued for days and days. On the ninth day, a cloud of smoke welled Up from the west and covered the sun. The frightened people were left in terrible darkness. Yong Jian, a broad-shouldered youth who lived in Dongfeng Village at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain, made up his mind to remove the evil smoke and bring the Sunshine back to the people. One day, Yong Jian met with an old man with a long beard. He told Yong Jian that there lived two nine-antler dragons in the western Shuanglong Mountain who had been posing themselves for this moment for 9,990 years. The old man said that after the
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