来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Akobe
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Lamellar crystals of diblock,triblock and four-arm poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(ε-caprolactone)(PEG-b-PCL)crystalline-crystalline copolymers were successfully obtained from their solution.Morphology and structure of lamellar crystals of crystalline-crystalline copolymers were investigated using tapping-mode atomic force microscopy(AFM)and selected area electron diffraction(SAED).All of these samples showed the truncated-lozenge multilayer basal shapes with central screw dislocation or central stack,which were all obtained simultaneously from the oil bath.The diffraction pattern of PEG block lamellar crystal is attributed to the(120)diffracting planes and the pattern of PCL block lamellar crystal is attributed to the(110)diffracting planes and(200)diffracting planes according to the SAED results.Four(110)crystal growth planes and two(200)crystal growth planes are discovered for the PCL blocks,but the(120)crystal growth planes of PEG blocks are hided in the figure of AFM.The crystalline structure of the four-arm copolymers(FA)is more disorder and confused than that of the diblock(DI)copolymer and the striated fold surface structures of lamellar crystals of four-arm copolymers(FA)are smoother than these of linear analogues,owing to the confused crystallization of blocks caused by the mutual restriction of blocks and the hindrance of the dendritic cores.In addition,the aspect ratio of FA is greater than that of the others.It is hypothesized that there are two reasons for the change of aspect ratios.First,the(200)diffracting planes of PCL crystals grew slowly compared to their(110)diffracting planes because of difference in the energy barrier.Secondly,edge dislocations on the(200)diffracting planes are also responsible for the variation of the aspect ratio.Consequently,the crystalline defects are augmented by the competing blocks crystallized simultaneously and the hindrance of the dendritic cores. Lamellar crystals of diblock, triblock and four-arm poly (ethylene glycol) -b-poly (ε-caprolactone) (PEG-b-PCL) crystalline-crystalline copolymers were successfully obtained from their solution. Morphology and structure of lamellar crystals of crystalline -crystalline copolymers were investigated using tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED). All of these samples showed the truncated-lozenge multilayer basal shapes with central screw dislocation or central stack, which were all obtained simultaneously from the oil bath. The diffraction pattern of PEG block lamellar crystal is attributed to the (120) diffracting planes and the pattern of PCL block lamellar crystal is attributed to the (110) diffracting planes and (200) diffracting planes according to the SAED results. Four (110) crystal growth planes and two (200) crystal growth planes are discovered for the PCL blocks, but the (120) crystal growth planes of PEG blocks are hided in the figure of AFM. Crystalline structure of the four-arm copolymers (FA) is more disorder and confused than that of the diblock (DI) copolymer and the striated fold surface structures of lamellar crystals of four-arm copolymers (FA) are smoother than these of linear analogues, to the confused crystallization of blocks caused by the mutual restriction of blocks and the hindrance of the dendritic cores. In addition, the aspect ratio of FA is greater than that of the others. It is hypothesized that there are two reasons for the change of aspect Diffraction planes of PCL crystals grew slowly compared to their (110) diffracting planes because of difference in the energy barrier. Secondarily, edge dislocations on the (200) diffracting planes are also responsible for the variation of the aspect ratio.Consequently, the crystalline defects are augmented by the competing blocks crystallized simultaneously and the hindrance of the dendritic cores.
甲状腺肿影响人的仪表美 ,有时可影响甲状腺功能 ,甚至为甲状腺肿瘤的表现 ,因此对甲状腺肿必须认真诊治。从 1 998~ 2 0 0 1年 7月对 1 50例甲状腺肿用甲状腺片或左甲状腺素
外来体(Exosomes)是一种直径30~90nm的膜性囊泡,最初在网织红细胞中被观察到并命名,后来发现多数细胞可分泌此囊泡,如血小板、B淋巴细胞、细胞毒性T淋巴细胞、树突状细胞(DC)、肥大细胞和一些肿瘤细胞.本研究培养了5种卵巢癌细胞系,试图从培养上清液中分离出外来体,经过免疫电镜和Western blot鉴定其是否携带有肿瘤细胞的特异性抗原,为外来体用于卵巢癌主动免疫治疗提供理论基础。
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Objective: To correlate apoptosis of cultured human granulosa- lutein cells (GL cells) with the outcome of IVF (embryo fragmentation and pregnancy rate) and to