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基于添加和不添加磺胺药[m(磺胺二甲嘧啶SM2)∶m(磺胺-6-甲氧嘧啶SMM)=1∶1]的好氧堆肥试验,分析堆肥过程中鸡粪理化性质、微生物群落代谢特征、磺胺抗生素以及5种抗性基因变化,探明磺胺抗性消长与堆肥过程的交互特征.结果表明,磺胺药添加抑制了堆肥基础呼吸,延长了堆体达到高温的时间,减缓了养分转化速度,显著影响堆肥中期微生物群落结构特征.鸡粪中SMM和SM2在堆肥14 d内即可完全降解,且SMM降解速率高于SM2.随堆肥进行,sul1和sul2呈先下降后轻微回升的趋势,磺胺药添加对sul1和Int I1丰度无明显提高作用,但可促进sul2扩散.堆肥过程中,tet Q和tet W变化与磺胺抗性基因不同,但磺胺药添加亦增加tet Q和tet W相对丰度.冗余分析结果显示,温度与sul1、sul2和Int I1明显负相关,与tet Q和tet W无明显相关性;5种抗性基因相对丰度均与碳氮比和硝态氮含量负相关,与p H、含水率和铵态氮含量正相关. Based on the aerobic composting experiments with and without sulfa drug [m (sulfamethazine SM2): m (sulfanilamide-6-methoxy pyrimidine SMM) = 1: 1], the physicochemical properties of chicken manure, microbial community Metabolic characteristics, sulfa antibiotics and five resistance genes to explore the interactive characteristics of sulfonamide resistance growth and compost process.The results showed that the sulfa drug addition inhibited the compost basic respiration, prolonged the time when the reactor reached high temperature and slowed down the nutrient Transformation rate significantly affected the characteristics of microbial community structure in the middle stage of compost.The SMM and SM2 in chicken manure could be completely degraded within 14 days of composting and the degradation rate of SMM was higher than that of SM2.The contents of sul1 and sul2 increased slightly first after composting The trend was that the addition of sulfa did not improve the abundance of sul1 and Int I1 but promoted the diffusion of sul2.The changes of tet Q and tet W were different from those of sulfa resistance in composting, W relative abundance.The results of redundancy analysis showed that the temperature was significantly negatively correlated with sul1, sul2 and Int I1, but not with tet Q and tetW. The relative abundance of the five resistance genes was positively correlated with the ratio of carbon to nitrogen and nitrate Nitrogen content is negatively correlated with p H, moisture content Ammonium nitrogen content was positively correlated.
现在认识到Legionella pneumophilia 也是引起细菌性肺炎的一种原因。此病的临床表现为急性发烧性呼吸道疾病,开始时症状轻微,但很快发展为严重肺炎。病人常在有垂危疾病的
目的探讨老年外科患者术后认知功能障碍(POCD)的护理方法和效果。方法 120例发生POCD的神经外科老年患者,随机分为观察组与对照组,各60例。对照组患者采用常规护理,观察组在