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在过去的两年里,中国工程院和中国科学院院士联合,发挥集体智慧,广泛团结科技界、产业界、教育界等各方面的力量,为全国经济建设和工程科技事业的发展做了大量工作,受到国家和人民群众的赞誉。国务院各部、委(办)和地方人民政府对院士们的工作给予了宝贵的支持。在1998年院士大会上,江泽民主席曾就培养青年科技人才问题做了重要讲话,朱镕基总理代表国务院向两院院士提出了三点希望:更多地关心国家的经济建设和社会发展事业;用更大的精力致力于培养青年人才;更多地参与国家重大经济和社会决策的咨询。为了落实中央和国务院的指示精神,中国工程院主席团经过研究,一是制定了《中国工程院1998—2000年工作纲要》,提出了工程院这两年工作的指导思想、奋斗目标和主要任务。二是制定了《中国工程院工作规则》,使各项工作都有规范的程序,做到有条不紊。两年来,中国工程院根据《纲要》,遵循《规则》和《中国工程院章程》,主要开展了以下几个方面的工作。参与国家经济建设中重大问题的决策咨询 Over the past two years, the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have jointly unleashed their collective wisdom to extensively unite the forces of science, technology, industry and education, and have done a great deal of work in the economic development and in the development of engineering, science and technology. Praised by the country and the people. The ministries, commissions (commissions) and local people's governments of the State Council have given valuable support to the work of the academicians. At the 1998 academician conference, President Jiang Zemin made an important speech on the issue of cultivating young scientists and technologists. On behalf of the State Council, Premier Zhu Rongji made three wishes to the academicians of the two chambers: to pay more attention to the country's economic construction and social development; to use more The great effort devoted to cultivating young talent; more participation in the consultation of major national economic and social decision-making. In order to implement the directives of the Central Government and the State Council, the bureau of the Chinese Academy of Engineering has conducted research. First, it formulated the Outline for the Work of the 1998-2000 Work of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and put forward the guiding ideology, objectives and major tasks for the work of the CAS for the past two years. Second, we have formulated the “Rules for the Work of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,” so that all the work has a standardized procedure and is methodical. In the past two years, according to the “Outline”, the Chinese Academy of Engineering has followed the “Rules” and the “Statute of the Chinese Academy of Engineering” and mainly conducted the following work. Participate in major issues in national economic construction decision-making advice
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2012年4月5日,美国布莱恩特大学。世界著名男低音歌唱家、美国纽约大都会歌剧院签约演员田浩江的到来,将布莱恩特大学为期5天的“中国周”(China Week)活动推向了高潮。为了