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就一个党员或党员领导干部来讲,我们的党章中早已明确提出了八条标准。党的好多文件对党员、党员干部要求很明确。我只是想说明一个观点:无论中外古今政企各界,都重视提拔培养领导干部。就我们党来讲:毛泽东同志在一九三八年曾经指出:“中国共产党是在一个几万万人的大民族中领导伟大革命斗争的党,没有多数德才兼备的领导干部,是不能完成其历史任务的。”“政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定的因素。因此,有计划地培养大批的新干部,就是我们的战斗任务。”邓小平同志曾经深刻地指出:“政治路线确立了,要由人来具体地贯彻执行。由什么样的人来执行,是由赞成党的政治路线的人,还是由不赞成的人,或者是由持中间态度的人来执行,结果不一样。”江泽民同志说:“历史和现实都表明,一个政党,一个国家,能不能不断培养出优秀的领导人才,在很大程度上决定着这个政党、这个国家的兴衰存亡。中国的社会主义事业能不能巩固和发展下去,中国能不能在未来激烈的国际竞争中始终强盛不衰,关键就要看我们党能不能不断培养造就一大批高素质的领导人才。如果这个问题解决得不好,我们就难以在新世纪里经受住各种风险的考验,难以实现党和国家既定的奋斗目标。”党的三代领导核心都一贯非常重视党员干部的提拔培养。今天,我们举办支部书记培训班,就是落实党的一贯指示的具体行动,目的是让大家多学一点东西,更好地增长才干,提高觉悟,为党为人民多做、做好工作。 As far as a party member or party member’s leading cadre is concerned, we have clearly set forth eight criteria in our party constitution. The party’s many documents on party members, party members and cadres requirements is very clear. I just want to make one point: Both Chinese and foreign political and business circles at home and abroad attach importance to promoting and cultivating leading cadres. As for our party, Comrade Mao Tse-tung pointed out in 1938: “The Chinese Communist Party is a party that leads the great revolutionary struggle in a large nation with tens of millions of people. Without most leading cadres of political integrity and ability, we can not After the political line has been completed to accomplish its historic tasks, cadres are the decisive factor, so it is our battle task to train a large number of new cadres in a planned way. ”Comrade Deng Xiaoping has profoundly pointed out:“ Politics The course is established and it is up to the people to carry it out concretely.The execution by which kind of people is carried out by the people who favor the party’s political line or by the people who are disagreeable or by the people with the medium attitude. ”Comrade Jiang Zemin said:“ Both history and reality show whether a political party or a country can continually cultivate outstanding leaders and largely determine the rise and fall of the political party and the country. Can the socialist cause consolidate and develop? Whether China can remain strong and prosperous in the fierce international competition in the future depends on whether our party can continuously cultivate a large number of high-quality If we can not properly solve this problem, we will find it hard to withstand the tests of various risks in the new century and will not achieve the goals set by the party and the country. ”The three generations of the party’s core leaders have all along attached great importance to the work of party members and cadres Promote training. Today, we organize a branch secretary training class, which is a concrete move to implement the party’s stated instructions. The purpose is to let everyone learn more about things, to be better able to grow their talents and raise their awareness so that they can do more for the party and do more for the people.
对不同机型钢包回转台结构进行分析,并重点介绍了VAI和DANIELI机型制造要点,为技术人员提供借鉴。 Analysis of different models of ladle turret structure, and highligh
2009年6月中旬,国家发展改革委机关党校春季进修班第一组学员,赴吉林省和龙市、龙井市和黑龙江省明水县、青冈县,就贫困地区农村民生工程建设情况进行了调研。 In mid-June
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