
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swb39274355
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Introduction.Orbital myositis is an idiopathic inflammation of the extraoccular muscles.It is often included under the broad description of orbital pseudotumor.It is commonly a unilateral affection.Case report.We report one case of bilateral orbital myositis in a 45-year-old woman.The first symptoms were diplopia and acute bilateral orbital pain exacerbated by eye movements.Physical examination especially neurological was normal.Serum creatine kinase and biological thyroid function were normal.CT scan found a bilateral enlargement of rectus oculi medialis and lateralis.Clinical improvement was obtained a few days after oral corticosteroid treatment with remission of all signs.Conclusion.Orbital myositis is a rare entity.90-95p.cent of cases are unilateral.Bilateral forms are exceptional and in this case require search for specific etiologies particularly thyroid ophthalmopathy.There is controversy concerning treatment options but corticosteroids are still the most common first choice therapy with good outcome. Introduction. Orbital myositis is an idiopathic inflammation of the extraoccular muscles. It is often included under the broad description of orbital pseudotumor. It is often a unilateral affection. Case report. We report one case of bilateral orbital myositis in a 45-year-old woman. first symptoms were diplopia and acute bilateral orbital pain exacerbated by eye movements. Physical examination particularly neurological was normal. Serum creatine kinase and biological thyroid function were normal. CT scan found a bilateral enlargement of rectus oculi medialis and lateralis. Clinical improvement was obtained a few days after oral corticosteroid treatment with remission of all signs. Confluence. Orbital myositis is a rare entity. 90-95p.cent of cases are unilateral.Bilateral forms are exceptional and in this case require search for specific etiχxythythyrophthalmopathy. There is controversy concerning treatment options but corticosteroids are still the most common first choice t herapy with good outcome.
One chloride-terminated ionic liquid(CTIL) and two hydroxyl-terminated ionic liquids(HTILs) were synthesized and used as stationary phases for capillary gas chr
我喜欢校园的那个角落,那个叫做“无声园”的地方。  无声园的入口,有一株紫藤萝。枝叶四季常青,淡紫色的小花谢了又开,开了又谢,年复一年。紫藤萝花开得旺盛时,花儿一串一串地往下垂,串串饱满,每一朵花都紧挨着另一朵花,好似一张张绽开的美丽笑脸。远远望去,果然像极了淡紫色的瀑布。  风起时,淡紫色的小花轻轻地落在周围的灌木丛中,落在水泥地板上,落在安静的石凳上,无声地散发着醉人的芳香,让人感受到了自然的
【沛 厂1 山j厂、{丁po 什才厂MJ 儿I上工上/]}KJ占。¥《纵囚人》D345倒12硷人于()六乐凄人宗(上)六年1、《欧阳义忠公又渠》涵务《凹邻丛【SDR D Dq”阶0〕十八八沾ZA]h化 ”
星期天,我和爸爸妈妈去小沙河景区游玩。  一到小沙河,首先映入眼帘的是一棵棵大杨树和一条弯弯曲曲的林荫小道。站在这儿,就像置身于另一个世界,没有了集市广场的喧闹,没有了公路街道的嘈杂,围绕在耳畔的全是来自大自然的歌曲,幽静而又深远。我蹲下来,静静地聆听夏天的声音,默默地欣赏大自然演奏的天籁,感受夏天独特的美。  “吱—吱—吱”,这是夏天特有的蝉声。终于盼到夏天的“知了龟儿”钻出睡了几年的窝,爬到树