诸相非相的表达 诸法自然的呈现——读徐蕾油画

来源 :当代油画 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:piaodedaocao
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看徐蕾的油画,很奇怪的,有一些陌生的,却也是亲切的感觉。她的作品“橱窗”系列,看上去散发出些许温和婉约、些许迷离浪漫的气息。画面中的主角,或者有着不知所以的眼神,或者戴着墨镜,他们与观者形成一种似是而非的交流;而主角背后的橱窗上,一些人影或行走,或伫立,与主角似乎没有任何关系,却与主角在画面上融成一个整体。如果说主角与观者还有点互动,那么,那些人影,那些与主角有着某种联系的人影,与观者却似乎毫无关系。他们与主角一起,被审视。这样,主角与观者的一丝亲切与默契对比于那些人影 Look at Xu Lei’s paintings, it is strange, there are some strange, but also a warm feeling. Her work “Window ” series, appears to emit a little gentle and graceful, a slight blur of romantic atmosphere. The protagonist in the picture, either with an unknown eyes, or wearing sunglasses, forms a paradoxical exchange with the viewer. Some of the figures behind the main window or walking or standing still do not seem to have anything to do with the protagonist, But with the protagonist on the screen into a whole. If there is a little interaction between the protagonist and the viewer, then those figures, those who have some connection with the protagonist, seem to have nothing to do with the viewer. They are looked at together with the protagonist. In this way, the protagonist and the viewer a trace of compassion and understanding compared to those people
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