传承 创新 超越——宗廷虎主编《20世纪中国修辞学》的突出特色

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宗廷虎先生主编的《20世纪中国修辞学》(上下卷)具有强烈的方法论意识。和以往修辞学史论著相比,该书具有一定程度上的传承性,又有更多意义上的创新与突破。其突出特色主要表现为:纵横交错,点面观照;史论结合,一体互融;内外共治,寻根求源。正是在这种正确的方法论意识支配之下,才实事求是地梳理并论证了20世纪中国修辞学发展的基本轨迹,不仅仅为读者奉献了一本厚重的关于20世纪修辞学发展的学术专著,更为修辞学界建构了一个崭新的科学的20世纪中国修辞学史理论体系。 Zong Tinghu, editor of “20th Century Chinese Rhetoric” (volume) has a strong sense of methodology. Compared with the previous treatise on the history of rhetoric, the book has a certain degree of inheritance, and more innovations and breakthroughs in meaning. Its outstanding features mainly as follows: criss-cross, point of view; combination of history, integration and integration; internal and external governance, seeking roots. It is precisely under the control of this correct methodological consciousness that we can sort out and demonstrate the basic trajectory of the development of Chinese rhetoric in the 20th century in a realistic manner and not only dedicate a generous academic monograph on the development of rhetoric in the 20th century for the readers, More rhetoric circles have constructed a new and scientific theoretical system of the history of Chinese rhetoric in the 20th century.
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