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在我近四十年的记忆里,鲁西南是一块平安的土地。这块土地永远那么平坦广阔,一望无际。宽厚的黄河从它的西边和北边流过,给这块土地带来了丰富的营养和悠久的文化。我的村庄就坐落在鲁西南南部边缘的一个小小的角落里。村庄的历史不算太久远,长辈们说是二百六十多年前从山西洪洞县迁过来的。它的东西长度只有200米,南北长度也不过150米,小村周围的300多亩土地养活着村里五六十户人家,也算得上丰衣足食了。可是,在二○一三年十月,在母亲走了八年之后,我的村庄在机器的轰鸣声里消失了,村人搬进了全是两层小楼的新村。此时,原来的村庄已成为一片沃野,再也分不清哪是胡同哪是街道。老宅,大街,老井,老树……没了,都没了。村庄曾经的一切全消失了,我只能在记忆里搜寻村庄永远温馨宁静的旧影。 In my memory of nearly forty years, southwest is a safe land. This land is always so vast and expansive. The generous Yellow River flows from its west and north, bringing rich nutrition and long culture to the land. My village is located in a small corner on the southern edge of Southwestern. The history of the village is not too long ago. The elders said they moved over from Hongtong County in Shanxi Province two hundred and sixty years ago. It has a length of only 200 meters and a length of 150 meters from north to south. The 300 mu of land around the village serves 57 to 60 of the village’s population, and is considered ample and well-fed. However, in October 2013, eight years after my mother left, my village disappeared in the roar of machines and the village moved into a new village of two-storey building. At this point, the original village has become a fertile land, can no longer distinguish which alley is the street. The old house, the street, the old well, the old tree ... gone, gone. All that once disappeared in the village, I can only search the memory of the village always warm and quiet old movie.
试管在科技的发展中起着非常重要的作用,很多科学实验都是在试管中进行的,如:试管婴儿的培育、克隆技术的研究、植物品种的改良……试管在我们今后的 Test tubes play a ver
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Hello Kitty自动取款机,孩子自己的银行从小就培养良好的储蓄和理财意识,不但能改掉孩子们花钱没有计划的习惯,而且能让他们懂得创造和积累必须循序渐进的道理。 Hello Kitt
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我醒了其实我没睡着有人刚才来过现在已经走了我睡着了其实我还没醒我已经走了因为我刚才来过——题记 I woke up. Actually, I didn’t fall asleep. Someone just came an
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