Oviductus Ranae method of extraction and isolation of active ingredients progress

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  【Abstract】 Oviductus Ranae is one of valuable traditional chinese medicine, with a variety of medicinal effects. For further research and application, this paper reviewed the technologies of the extraction and isolation of efficient components in Oviductus Ranae and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages.
  【Key words】Oviductus Ranae; active ingredients; extraction andisolation
  Oviductus Ranae is the dry oviduct of female Rana temporariachensinensis David,which is also called Rana chensinensis oil. Themedicine was recorded in chinese pharmacopoeia from edition 1985 to edition 2005, and it has effects of invigorating the spleen and the stomach, nourishing yin and the kidney, moistening the lung and promoting the production of the body fluid[1]. Oviductus Ranae is a valuable chinese medicine, which is also known as soft gold. Oviductus Ranae is applied to cure weakness, insomnia, night-sweat, neurasthenia, climacteric
  syndrome and so on. Oviductus Ranae contains proteins, amino acids, fatty acids and esters, steroids, nucleic acids, sterols, amides, hydantions, vitamins and many other active ingredients. This paper reviewed the development of the extraction and isolation technologies of efficient components in Oviductus Ranae, in order to facilitate further research and development use.
  1Fatty acids and esters
  These conponents have similar effect as prednisone stimulating the syntheses of protein, thus improve the powers of endurance and have anti-fatigue effect[1、2].
  Lu Li ming[3、4] got hexadecanoic acid, 2,3- dihydroxypropyl ester, hexadecanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-1,3- propanediyl ester, 9-octadecenoic acid,2,3-dihydroxypropyl ester, octadecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid ethyl ester and octadecanoic acid ethyl ester from Oviductus Ranae by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction technology combining column chromatographies on silica gel(mobile phase: petrol ether-chloroform, petrol ether- ethyl acetate ), gel and AgNO3(mobile phase: chloroform- acetone). Wang Yong sheng[5] got hexadecylic acid cholesterol ester from petroleum ether extraction of Oviductus Ranae with silica gel column chromatography(mobile phase: petroleum ether-ethyl acetate)and recrystallization(petroleum ether-ethanol).
  Comparing with other traditional methods, supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction technology has many special advantages, such as high extraction rate, strong extraction power, low-temperature operation, protecting the active ingredients from damage. This method applies to lipid components extraction, especially fats oils. The silica gel column chromatography is distinct in isolation, but presents high adsorption rate to sample, so to Oviductus Ranae, rare medicinal herbs, this method should be used as little as possible.
  2 Steroids and sterols
  These conponents also have similar effect as prednisone stimulating the syntheses of protein, thus improve the powers of endurance and have anti-fatigue effect[1、2].
  Some reserchers obtained estradiol, vitamin VA and cholesterol from Oviductus Ranae[6-8], which were extracted with acetone, and thenisolated with Al2O3 column chromatography and preparative silica thin-layer chromatography. Zhao Wen ying[9] got cholest-3,6-dione, cholesterol and cholest-4-en-3-one from Oviductus Ranae, the method was that Oviductus Ranae was seccessively extracted with petroleum ether, chloroform, acetone and methanol with soxhlet extractor, then followed through a column of silica(mobile phase: petroleum ether-ethyl acetate). Wang Yong sheng[5] obtained cholest-4-en-3-one, cholesterol from Oviductus Ranae by extractiong Oviductus Ranae with petroleum ether, isolating and purifing with silica column chromatography(mobile phase: petrol ether-ethyl acetate), recrystallization(petroleum ether-ethanol, acetone ).
  Wang Li li[10] obtained cholest-5-en-3β,7β-diol and 3β-hydroxy-cholest-5- en-7-one from Oviductus Ranae for the first time. The process was that Oviductus Ranae were pre-extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide (for 4.5h, at 45℃, under 35MPa, 55mL/100g ) to remove the lipin components, then the degreasing Oviductus Ranae were extracted with 85% ethanol. Subsequently, the dried ethanol extracted residue was dissolved in deionised water and extractedwith ethyl acetate, and then the ethyl acetate extraction was concentrated and applied onto columns of sephadex LH-20(mobile phase:chloroform- methano 1:1) and ODS(mobile phase: 90% (v/v) methano) repeately to gave crude products, which were purified by preparative HPLC.
   Column chromatographies of gel and ODS have been widely used in studies on the chemical constituents of traditional chinese medicine.Gel column chromatography rests on varying molecule and fits to the chemical components isolation of vare medicines because of easy operation, fine separation, low adsorption rate to sample. The basis of separating and purifying chemical components of ODS column chromatography is varing molecular polarity. The main features of this method are easy operation and low adsorption rate to sample, so this method is also applied to research of chemical ingredients of vare medicines.
  Wang Yong sheng[5] got hexadecanamide from petroleum ether extraction of Oviductus Ranae by silica column chromatography(mobile phase: petroleum ether-ethyl acetate), recrystallization(petroleum ether-ethanol and acetone ). Lu Li ming[3] also obtained hexadecanamide with supercritical carbon dioxide combining column chromatographies of silica gel(mobile phase: petroleum ether-chloroform and petroleum ether- ethyl acetate ), gel, AgNO3 gel(mobile phase: chloroform- acetone).
  Polysaccharide can strengthen the immunity, it can not only enhance meshy endodermis system to gobble up a function, but slao increase the amount of immuglobulin. Polysaccharide is effective on tumor and cardiovascular diseases[11].
  Polysaccharide were separated form Oviductus Ranae showing positive reactions to Fehling and Molish. The method was thatOviductus Ranae was extracted with water decocting and separated with ion-exchange process. The result of quantitative determination was that the content of reducing suger and polysaccharide were 6.8% and 6.18% in Oviductus Ranae.
  1-methylhydantion had the extremelyeffect ofrelieving cough[13].
  Wang Yong sheng[13] got 1-methylhydantion from Oviductus Ranae for the first time. The method was that Oviductus Ranae was successively extracted by petrol ether, ethyl acetate and ethanol, subsequently, the ethanol extraction was separated with silica column chromatography(mobile phase: petrol ether- ethyl acetate) and purified with recrystallization(petroleum ether- chloroform).
  At present, the stuty on Oviductus Ranae has many difficulties, such as the complex chemical ingredients, the low content of active components and the rarely reports about effective ingredients in Oviductus Ranae. So the basic research of Oviductus Ranae is more weaker than that of other valuable chinese medicines. But the wide application of gel column chromatography, ODS column chromatography, microwave extraction, semi-bionic extraction (SBE), CO2-SFE, ultrafiltration and high-speed countercurrent chromatography provides advantage for obtaining high purity active ingredients form Oviductus Ranae, so the extraction and isolation of the active ingredients in Oviductus Ranae is yet to be further studied.
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  作者简介: 王丽丽(1982-),女,吉林松原人,石家庄医学高等专科学校,助教,硕士学位, 研究方向:天然药物有效成分的研究。
【关键词】蛋白尿;辩证治验    病例:李某,女,41岁。2010年9月28日来诊。诉5年前因急性肾小球肾炎临床治愈后,常年蛋白尿,中西药多方治疗不愈。刻诊:腰部酸痛,以右侧为甚,尿常规示:尿蛋白3﹢,伴右侧牙、咽及头部疼痛,眠差,口臭,常年便稀。观其舌光红少苔,诊双尺脉沉细,左关弦细,右关细滑。辩证:肝肾阴虚,虚火上炎。治则:滋阴潜阳,疏利肝胆。方拟知柏地黄丸合小柴胡汤加减:生地15g,熟地15
【摘要】面对刚刚踏入护理岗位的年轻人,我这个护士长倍感带教责任重大。于是四部带教实施方案应运而生:首先,思想洗礼,引领成长方向。用良好的心态为新护士增添工作“润滑剂”和“原动力”;其次,用“心”实践,挖掘成长落脚点。分别在行动上靠、学习上帮、业务上精;再次,要用“心“服务,温情护理暖人心;最后,反思提升,用智慧伴你前行。  【关键词】思想洗礼;温情护理;反思提升    崭新的牟平区中医医院大楼的落
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【摘要】 目的 了解德胜社区人群肺结核病防治知识掌握情况及希望获得知识的途径,为开展肺结核病健康教育工作提供依据。方法 采用随机抽样方法,在社区中心6个社区站、1所小学和集贸市场随机拦截人员进行问卷调查。结果 共调查312人,有89.7%的人知道肺结核是传染病;84.0%的人知道肺结核的传播途径,认为只要坚持正规治疗可以痊愈;70.5%的人知道所在地区有专门检查治疗肺结核病的机构;48.1%的人知
【摘要】 目的 评估阿司匹林和双密达莫治疗脑血栓的临床效果。方法 160例脑血栓病人随机平均分成两组,即观察组与对照组,观察组80例病人给予口服阿司匹林300mg,每天一次,双密达莫50 mg,每天三次,30天作为一个疗程;对照组80例病人给予口服阿司匹林300mg,每天一次,30天作为一个疗程。评估两组患者的临床效果。结果 阿司匹林与双密达莫联合治疗的临床效果更好,与单独使用阿司匹林的效果差异具
【摘要】 目的 观察护网明目方对慢性开角型青光眼(PoAG)血流动力学影响 方法 利用彩色多普勒(CDFI)检测慢性开角型青光眼用药前后两组视网膜中央动脉(CRA)、眼动脉(OA)的血流动力学改变 结果 服用护网明目方3个疗程后各动脉平均血流速度较用药前增加.阻力指数(RI)下降,有显著性差异;对照组无显著性改变。结论 护网明目方能有效改善慢性开角型青光眼的血流动力学。   【关键词】 慢性开角
【摘要】 目的:探讨心脏瓣膜置换术后早期人工终止妊娠时抗凝药物的使用方法及安全性。方法:30例心脏瓣膜置换术后患者,均为机械瓣膜置换,心脏术后及妊娠过程中一直服用华法令抗凝。术前1天停用华法令,在负压吸宫手术当天复查凝血酶原时间(PT),调整PT至小于16秒,如PT仍较长可给予维生素K120 mg静脉推注,术后24小时开始恢复抗凝。结果:30例心脏瓣膜置换术后早期人工流产者,均顺利渡过围手术期,无
【摘要】 目的 介绍气管切开的目的及手术技巧 方法 回顾性分析2008年10月至2011年8月行气管切开治疗重症脑外伤及脑出血、脑疝的临床资料。结果 102例患者无一例并发症。 结论 依照笔者介绍的手术方法能有效避免气管切开的并发症。   【关键词】 气管切开;并发症   2008年10月至2011年8月我科共施行气管切开术102例,术后无一例并发症,现将手术体会报告如下:  1 临床