Accumulation of cadmium and copper by female Oxya chinensis(Orthopera: Acridoidea) in soil-plant-ins

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simon20088
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One purpose of this research is to present accumulation of cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) by female Oxya chinensis (Orthopera: Acridoidea) in a simulated soil-plant-insect ecosystem treated with Cd. Fourth-instar nymphs of O. chinensis had been fed on wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings contaminated with Cd and Cu for one month. In the ecosystem, the Cd concentration in wheat seedlings rose greatly with the increasing of Cd in the soil, but the Cu concentration in wheat seedlings was not found elevated. There was a highly significant difference(P<0.05) in Cd concentrations of wheat seedlings and not any significant difference(P>0.05) in Cu concentrations of wheat seedlings. The Cd and Cu concentration in different body part-head, thorax, abdomen, and hind femur, varied under different Cd concentrations in soil. There were significant differences (P<0.05) in the four parts of Cd and Cu accumulations with all treatments. The order of Cd accumulation was thorax >abdomen >head >hind femur and the Cu was abdomen > thorax >head > hind femur. The results indicated that Cd and Cu were accumulated from the soil to grasshoppers through the plant; that is to say, Cd and Cu in environment could be transported to animal or human via food chain.
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