
来源 :摩托车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bcrav4
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储存少量的汽油应该使用金属容器灌装,最好是买专用汽油桶为好。切不要用塑料桶等容器,因为塑料容易产生静电。油桶要放在不易碰翻的地方,不要放在厨房内、楼梯口、床底下,更不要靠近任何火源。 给摩托车加油时要在较空旷的地方,周围不要有明火。加完油后应及时把盖子盖紧,把溢在外面的油擦干净。房间内如果有很浓的汽油味,切忌使用。明火如有汽油渗漏在地面上,可用 Store a small amount of gasoline should be used metal container filling, it is best to buy special gasoline barrels as well. Do not use plastic barrels and other containers, because plastic is prone to static electricity. Oil drums should not be easy to touch up on the place, not on the kitchen, stairs, under the bed, but not near any source of ignition. When refueling motorcycles in a more open area, there should be no open flame around. After the oil is added, the lid should be tightly closed and the oil spilled on the outside should be wiped clean. If there is a strong smell of gasoline in the room, avoid using it. Open flames for petrol leaking on the ground, available
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公立医院获得了财政补助和税收减免优惠,也是独立的经营实体和纳税人,会发生大量应税行为。本研究对公立医院适用的税收法律政策进行了介绍,探讨了应交税费的账务处理。 Pub
美国《油气杂志》2 0 0 1年 10月揭晓了除美国以外的世界前 2 0家油气生产商排名。以产量计算 ,前 2 0位公司中的1/ 2仍然属于石油输出国组织 (OPEC) ,但是有几个 OPEC外的非
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