Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Nanocrystalline NiZr_2 Intermetallic Compound

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dalianmaowh
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Single-phase NiZr2 intermetallic compound nanocrystalline samples were synthesized by fully crystallizing the parent amorphous NiZr2 alloy at the temperature interval of 653~1073 K for a certain period of time. High resolution electron microscope (HREM) observations on the nanophase NiZr2 reveal a Iamellar nano-tWin structure with (110) direction on the nanometer scale, being typically a few interatomic distances to a few nanometers. Microhardness measurements on the single-phase NiZr2 samples indicate that the hardness of nanotwinned NiZr2 is obviously increased in comparison to the amorphous counterpart. When the average grain size increases from 19.1 to 93.9 nm, the variation of the hardness with the average grain size obeys the normal Hall-Petch relation, whereas as the average grain size is smaller than 19.1 nm. the microhardness data deviate from the above relation. High-resolution electron microscope (HREM) observations on the nanophase NiZr2 reveal a Iamellar nano -tWin structure with (110) direction on the nanometer scale, being typically a few interatomic distances to a few nanometers. Microhardness measurements on the single-phase NiZr2 samples indicate that the hardness of nanotwinned NiZr2 is obviously increased in comparison to the amorphous counterpart. When the average grain size increases from 19.1 to 93.9 nm, the variation of the hardness with the average grain size obeys the normal Hall-Petch relation, as as the average grain size is smaller than 19.1 nm. The microhardness data deviate from the above relation .
《机械》杂志,1962年创刊,月刊,国内外公开发行。国内统一连续出版物号:CN 51-1131/TH,国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1006-0316。四川省经济和信息化委员会主管,四川省机械研究
【摘 要】在我国经济发展迅速的势头下,环境与发展的矛盾越发尖锐,过量的环境破坏导致了地球生态环境极度恶化,在能源上更是由于我们的过度使用导致地球资源枯竭,因此现在提倡的节能减排、低碳环保都是针对我们的资源问题提出节约策略,为地球的可持续发展做出贡献,因此不论我们什么行业都应该提倡节能意识,为社会与环境發展和谐出一份力。  【关键词】节能、高效、施工、保温技术  【中图分类号】TE08 【文献标识码
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