Tour to Snow-covered Guandong

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The train left Beijing to head northeastwards, passing Shanhaiguan Pass, before reaching Guandong (east of the Pass) which covers three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang. This is a vast land filled with wonder and romance, where tourist attractions can be found everywhere in the luxuriate forests of the scenic Changbai Mountain and Xing’an Mountain, on the fertile fields of the vast plains, and along the golden beaches of the Liaodong Peninsula. In winter, when the land is blanketed with The train left Beijing to head northeastwards, passing Shanhaiguan Pass, before reaching Guandong (east of the Pass) which covers three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang. This is a vast land filled with wonder and romance, where tourist attractions can be found everywhere in the luxuriate forests of the scenic Changbai Mountain and Xing’an Mountain, on the fertile fields of the vast plains, and along the golden beaches of the Liaodong Peninsula. In winter, when the land is blanketed with
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