The distribution of HCV in subjects attending hospitals in Duhok City, Iraq

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maxzhk
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Objective: To investigate the prevalence of hepatitis C virus(HCV) and its genotypes in Duhok City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of HCV and its genotype. A total of 2 109 subjects, who attended the hospital for complaints other than hepatitis, were recruited in this study.Results: First, anti-HCV antibody positivity was examined by ELISA. About 5.2%(111/2 109) of our samples were tested positive for anti-HCV antibodies. To confirm the positivity, RT-PCR was performed. Amongst all samples, 2.8%(60/2 109) was positive by RT-PCR. Then, we genotyped all the RT-PCR positive samples, and it was found that50.0%(30/60) of our samples were typed as HCV genotype 4, 43.3%(26/60) as genotype1 and 6.7%(4/60) as genotype 3.Conclusions: The prevalence of HCV was higher than that was reported previously and genotype 4 was the most prevalent. Further population based study is required to investigate the prevalence of HCV. Objective: To investigate the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and its genotypes in Duhok City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of HCV and its genotype. A total of 2 109 subjects, Who attended the hospital for complaints other than hepatitis, were recruited in this study. Results: First, anti-HCV antibody positivity was examined by ELISA. About 5.2% (111/2 109) of our samples were tested positive for anti-HCV antibodies To confirm the positivity, RT-PCR was performed. Amongst all samples, 2.8% (60/2 109) was positive by RT-PCR. Then, we genotyped all the RT-PCR positive samples, and it was found that 50.0 % (30/60) of our samples were typed as HCV genotype 4, 43.3% (26/60) as genotype 1 and 6.7% (4/60) as genotype 3. Conclusion: The prevalence of HCV was higher than that was previously reported and genotype 4 was the most prevalent. Further population based study is required to investigate the prevalence of HCV.
帕瓦王国的城堡附近有一棵参天大树,在这棵树上生活着三只顽皮的猴子,它们喜欢收集任何它们发现的东西,尤其是那些闪闪发光的饰物。  一个炎热的夜晚,国王开着窗户睡觉。一只猴子发现国王的卧室的窗户开着,就偷偷溜了进去。一进到卧室,猴子就发现了国王放在桌子上的皇冠。皇冠镶着珍珠、宝石和钻石,在黑暗中闪闪发光。猴子欣喜若狂,抱起皇冠就跳出了窗外。回到树上,猴子把皇冠藏进了一个隐秘的树洞里。  第二天早上,国
她刚出生时,也曾被父母视为掌上明珠,就连每一声啼哭,似乎都是天籁。可是,仅仅十几天之后,母亲感觉越来越不对劲:她吃奶时总是那么费力,哭声也有气无力。随着时间的推移,她的反应也越来越迟钝。抱到医院里去检查,医生的一纸诊断书,如同晴天霹雳,让她的父母变得手足无措:她是先天性脑瘫,根本无药可治!  在父母忧虑的目光中,她一天天长大,因为不能说话,双手也不能做任何活动,只能呆在家里。对她来说,每天最快乐的