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2002年是我国加入WTO后的第一年。由于国内外有色金属市场早已基本实现了接轨,所以当前有色金属进出口贸易情况平稳,总体运行态势良好,没有对我国有色金属工业的生产经营造成大的冲击。预计随着全球经济运行状况的逐步改善,我国有色金属工业的国内外市场环境将进一步好转。 2002年有色金属产品 进出口贸易情况 2002年1~9月,我国有色金属产品进出口贸易额为122.68亿美元,同比增长16.3%。其中出口额42.36亿美元,同比增长31.9%;进口额80.32亿美元,同比增长10.2%。出口额的增长速度高于进口额增长21.7个百分点,但进口额明显大于出口额的基本格局并没有发生根本性改变。 2002 is the first year after China’s accession to the WTO. Since the domestic non-ferrous metals market has basically taken shape, the current non-ferrous metals import and export trade has been stable and the overall operation is in good condition. The non-ferrous metal industry in China does not have a big impact on the production and operation of the non-ferrous metal industry. It is expected that with the gradual improvement in the global economic performance, the domestic and international market environment for nonferrous metal industry in China will further improve. Import and Export Trade of Non-ferrous Metal Products from January to September 2002 The import and export volume of non-ferrous metal products in China was 12.268 billion U.S. dollars, up 16.3% over the same period of last year. Among them, the export volume was 42.36 billion U.S. dollars, up 31.9% over the same period of last year; the import value was 8.032 billion U.S. dollars, up 10.2% over the same period of last year. The growth rate of the export value was 21.7% higher than that of the import value. However, the fundamental pattern that the import value was obviously larger than the export value has not changed fundamentally.
为了深入研究乙型肝炎病毒S基因变异所致的包膜抗原抗原性的改变,从含HBVDNA双拷贝的质粒载体pEcob6,获得一个837bp的HBV-S基因片段,将其插入至载体pBluescript KS~+的SmaⅠ位点,通过体外寡核苷酸介导的人工定点突变分别
例1 故障现象:开机电源指示灯亮,风机运转正常,但不出雾。分析检修:风机运转正常,说明雾化器供电正常,保险丝完好(整机电路如附图所示)。无雾化现象应首先检查水槽内药液液
《兵工学报》第四届编委会于 6月 2 2至 2 3日在江苏扬州 5 30 8厂召开。来自兵器和国防系统以及部队的各研究院所、高等院校和企事业单位的 33名专家、学者作为《兵工学报》