Part 3 Bringing It Home

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  Brandt: So, this is your house? I gotta say, it looks pretty modern…
  Livia: Exactly. Granny chic doesn’t have to hit you in the face—it can also be about little touches. Like the walls, for example.
  Brandt: What about ’em? They just look white to me.
  Livia: Look closer!
  Brandt: Ah, wallpaper! Come to think of it, I haven’t seen a wallpapered house since… since…
  Livia: Since grandma’s house? ①Case in point. Check out the 1)subtle pear tree pattern—isn’t it warmer than a plain old wall?
  Brandt: It sure is. You know, I do love the straight edges, black and white, and solid colors of modern styles, but they can feel cold at times.
  Livia: So, let granny chic add a few 2)homey touches to your life!① Case in point. Check out the subtle pear tree pattern. 你仔细看看那个精致的梨树图案就可以看出来。
  case in point: a specific example of what one is talking about(能够说明问题的一个例子)。例如:
  Cindy is such an unpredictable person—what she said at the meeting is case in point.
  point taken: used to say you accept what sb. has said(收到,明白)。例
  Brandt: Don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. Hey, tell me about those pillows on the couch.
  Livia: These? Oh, don’t laugh, but… I crocheted them myself.
  Brandt: No joke! Well, they’re really well done. They complement the sofa nicely.
  Livia: Thanks! I hate to admit it, but I really had a lot of fun making them.
  Brandt: Seems like even a modern woman can have a domestic side.
  Livia: You callin’ me domestic? I’ve killed for less!
  Brandt: Haha, ②OK, point taken! ③I’ll zip my lips about the domestic side.
  Livia: Nah, I’m just 3)joshing you. I also helped mom make the quilt for the master bedroom.
  Brandt: Let’s have a peek… looks like you made it out of old T-shirts!
  Livia: That’s exactly right! ④Waste not, want not. Granny used to say that.
  Brandt: Funny, isn’t it? They reused cloth because they had to. We do it just for fun.
  Livia: I wouldn’t say that I completely agree with you there. Sure, we could just buy a new quilt, but there’s no reason to waste what’s right in front of you!
  Brandt: I suppose you’re right. Maybe we can learn a thing or two from the older generation about getting the most out of what we have.
  Livia: For sure.
  Brandt: Well, I’ve gotta say, I didn’t expect granny chic to be my cup of tea, but… I think I’m getting some good ideas out of this.
  Livia: Glad I could help! So, your new big project will feature an older style?
  Brandt: Well, the project is due next week, and I don’t have any other ideas, so… ⑤I guess the die is cast! Granny chic it is!
  Livia: Great! By the way, it’s getting late. Wanna stay for dinner?
  Brandt: I’d love to, if that’s OK with your mom. What’s on the menu?
  Livia: Grandma’s homemade pear pie!
  Brandt: I should have guessed!
  —April, maybe you don’t want to comment on Lily’s makeup. She is quite sensitive.
  —Alright, point taken!
  ③ I’ll zip my lips about the domestic side. 关于有居家的一面这件事情我会三缄其口的。
  zip sb.’s lips: shut up or keep quiet about sth.(闭嘴,别发表意见)。例如:
  Zip your lips! You’ve said it four times.闭嘴吧,你已经说了四回了。
  ④ Waste not, want not. 俭以防匮。
  Waste not, want not: proverb; if you do not waste anything, you will always have enough(谚语;勤俭节约,吃穿不缺)。例如:
  Sam never let his leftovers spoil in the refrigerator but made sure to eat them. “Waste not, want not,” he said.山姆从来不会让食物在冰箱里变坏,总会把它们吃掉。他说:“勤俭节约,吃穿不缺。”
俗话说:笑一笑,十年少;愁一愁,白了头。微笑能给人带来快乐、能让人变得年轻漂亮、能使人健康长寿……微笑是心灵盛开的鲜花,只要让它轻轻地绽放,就能产生无穷的魅力。从今天起,让我们尽情地展露笑颜吧!  你觉得没什么东西值得会心一笑吗?  Do you think you have nothing to smile about?  那么,让我帮你把笑容挂在脸上!  Well, let me put a
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