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SMA路面技术是近年来在国际上受到普遍重视和青睐的沥青混凝土路面新技术 ,并以其优良的抗车辙性能和抗滑性能而闻名于世。目前 ,SMA技术发展应用已相当广泛。它不仅能显著地提高路面高温抗车辙能力、低温抗裂性能、耐疲劳性能、水稳定性等路用性能 ,而且坚固、稳定。本文介绍了 SMA路面技术在嘉兴地区首次应用情况。通过对 SMA路面材料的分析和实际应用 ,论述 SMA混合料组成设计与施工工艺 SMA pavement technology is a new asphalt pavement technology which has been widely valued and favored in the world in recent years and is famous for its excellent anti-rutting performance and anti-slip performance. At present, SMA technology development has been widely used. It not only can significantly improve the road surface temperature rutting resistance, low temperature crack resistance, fatigue resistance, water stability and other road performance, but also strong and stable. This article describes the first application of SMA pavement technology in Jiaxing. Through the analysis and practical application of SMA pavement materials, the design and construction technology of SMA mixture
A regional sea ice-ocean coupled model for the Arctic Ocean was developed, based on the MITgcm ocean circulation model and classical Hibler79 type two categoryt
在高速公路路面整修工程中 ,将玻璃纤维格栅加铺到沥青混凝土中面层表面、底面、新旧路接茬处和旧基层顶面。通过研究表明 ,沥青混凝土路面加入玻璃纤维格栅后 ,其整体抗拉强
Objective:In the medium of ethanol(non-polar), STMP and ADH as crosslinkers to HA, to prepare drug delivery microspheres by getting stable cross-linked products
During the 2006/07 Antarctic summer, the species population, distribution and reproductive behavior of penguins in areas near the Great Wall Station were invest
应用换算弹性模量和荷载换算系数 ,建立了计算连续梁桥徐变次内力的计算模型。本法具有概念明确、易于用有限元法计算程序进行计算、精度较高和对采用各种施工工艺的连续梁桥
目的 探讨青光眼与疑似青光眼患者自动静态视野随诊检查结果的可靠性。方法回顾性分析 1994年 8月至 2 0 0 0年 6月 ,使用Octopus 1 2 3全自动静态视野计连续检测次数≥ 2