
来源 :军队党的生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yush2000
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风气建设事关基层建设的全局。营造风清、气正、劲足的良好环境不仅是高标准完成各项任务的根本保证,也是官兵健康成长的客观要求。分析当前一些单位侵占士兵利益、处事不公、嫌贫爱富甚至打骂体罚士兵,以及越级、匿名、反复乱告状等问题发生的原因,我感到端正基层风气必须着力做好以下几方面工作。 Construction of ethos concerns the overall situation of grass-roots construction. Creating a good environment characterized by a clear atmosphere, good gas, and strong footprints is not only the fundamental guarantee for fulfilling all tasks of a high standard, but also an objective requirement for the healthy growth of officers and men. Analysis of the current situation in which some units encroach on the interests of soldiers, serve unfairly, show their love for the rich, and even abuse corporal punishment of corporal punishment, as well as the reasons for such problems as escalation, anonymity and repeated chaos, I feel that it is imperative to focus efforts on the following aspects.
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(一)念奴娇·中秋步野眖景  浊鲸激荡,  洋流水、叱咤乾坤人物。  蹈绝东夷身负志:  中华儿郎俊逸。  秋水茫茫,  霜露冽冽,  零落幽咽雨。  郊寒岛瘦,  衣带消得渐悴。  旧时吹箫紫烟,  怨憎不得,  殇殁益无辍。  缺月风寒,漏断间,  繁花萧然残落。  悲发丛生,  古今寄忆,  不才多见弃。  匹夫皓首,  众里阑珊未悔。  (二)渔歌子·伊人离别无回首  绿满山川强看山,  
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