
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kusoyi
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这件木与石相拥紧抱在一起的榕树盆景,是经过作者陈志福多年精心的培植、护理和不断地修整而成的,使木与石益发相得益彰,象似一对天生的佳偶。当时,为要给它命“木石良缘”这个名,作者陈志福认为最好是给增添个二翁对奕的配件,借二翁奕兴之余的口,说古论今,讲起《红楼梦》的故事。说贾母在提到贾宝玉的婚事时,说贾宝玉项挂着“通灵宝玉”,那善于卖乖讨好的薛宝钗项上挂着“金琐”,贾、史、王、薛是当时金陵的“四大家”,门当户对,两人正是“金玉良缘”;而父母双亡,家境冷落,清苦寒酸,一无所有,寄人篱下, This banyan bonsai, embracing the embracing wood and stone, was made after years of careful cultivation, care and constant dressing by the author Chen Chih-Fu, bringing the wood and the stone together to form the perfect complement for each other. At that time, in order to give it the name of “Mushi”, the author Chen Zhifu think it is best to add a pair of Weng Yi Wilson accessories, by two Weng Yixing more than the mouth, say the old saying, tell the story of “Dream of Red Mansions” . When Jia mentioned JIA Baoyu’s marriage, he said that Jia Baoyu hung the “jade gem”, which is good at selling good and sweet Xue Baochai hanging “Jin Suo,” Jia, Shi, Wang and Xue were then Jinling’s “Four Masters,” a well-deserved reputation, the two are “Jin Yu Liang edge”; and parents die, family indifferent, bitter shabby, nothing,
目的 研究DL-丙氨酸对SD大鼠的致畸毒性.方法 实验设阴性对照组(纯水)、阳性对照组(环磷酰胺15 mg/kg)和DL-丙氨酸3个剂量组(10000、5000和2500 mg/kg),各组孕鼠于受孕的第6~1