
来源 :通信电源技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaogouku
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引言 延吉市邮电局通信电源微机集中监控系统是在邮电部和吉林省邮电管理局的热情指导和大力支持下,与北京邮电大学计算机系共同协作,于1993年8月研制成功并投产使用的,1994年1月通过了部级鉴定。鉴定委员会认为,该系统无论是状态监测、操作控制,还是图形显示、报表打印及信号报警等功能,均达到了设计和使用要求;该系统填补了国内高、低压供电监控系统的空白,处于领先地位。在此基础上,我们根据通信发展需要,进行了多局制电源微机集中监控的研制,完善了通信电源微机监控系统功能,实现了三个分局的变电所及动力机房的自动监控和自动管理,实现了高低压配电室及动力机房的无人值守。该系统经过近两年的运行,实践表明监测数据准确、操作无误、运行稳定可靠,两套系统均没有因自身原因造成失效或导致供电故障。 Introduction Yanji City Post and Telecommunications Bureau communication power supply microcomputer centralized monitoring system is in the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Jilin Provincial Posts and Telecommunications Authority’s enthusiastic guidance and support, and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Department of computer collaboration, in August 1993 successfully developed and put into operation, 1994 In January passed the ministerial identification. Accreditation Committee believes that the system, whether state monitoring, operation control, or graphical display, report printing and signal alarm and other functions, have reached the design and use requirements; the system to fill the domestic high and low voltage power supply monitoring system of the gaps in a leading status. On this basis, according to the needs of communication development, we conducted the research on the centralized monitoring and control of microcomputer for multi-office power supply, perfected the function of computer monitoring and control system of communication power and realized the automatic monitoring and automatic management of substation and power room in three branches. , To achieve high and low voltage power distribution room and power room unattended. After nearly two years of operation of the system, the practice shows that the monitoring data are accurate, the operation is correct, the operation is stable and reliable, and neither of the two systems fails or causes power failure due to its own reasons.