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雪茶与牛粪从云南回来已快半年了,那些我亲手采自那片神奇的雪域高原的雪茶还伴随着我。闲时泡上一杯,思绪总能随着那与水雾一起翻卷而上的阵阵清香回到这些雪茶的老家——那片秀丽的高原。记得那是我们从云南丽江起程到德钦的路上,到有名的白茫雪山时,连绵不断的颠簸已使我恹恹思睡,朦 Snow tea and cow dung come back from Yunnan almost six months, and those snow tea I personally collected from the magical snow-covered plateau accompanied me. Free time soaking a cup, thoughts always with the water along with the roll up the bursts of fragrance returned to the home of these snow tea - that piece of beautiful plateau. I remember that it is our journey from Lijiang, Yunnan to Deqin, to the famous white snow-capped mountains, the continuous bumpy has made me sleepy, dim
顺其自然 到了巴黎,首先给我的突出感觉,那就是顺其自然。 我们住的地方,是法国能源系统的一个度假村,距离巴黎市有20公里。度假村依山势建造,大部分是平房,只有少许是两层
A small passage cutting through Hendu-an Mountains and the Himalayas in southwest China has been bustling with shuttling traders driving caravans of fully load
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