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英国著名哲学家培根曾说“读史使人明智”。高中历史学科是文科教学中的重要学科之一,通过对历史学科的学习,可以完善学生的世界观、人生观和价值观,同时培养他们健全的人格、坚强的意志以及积极进取的精神和态度等多种综合素养。本文从研究法、实践法、实验法以及多媒体教学法四方面,探讨对学生进行历史学科素养培养的策略。一、采用研究法,调整教材教学方法历史是一门比较枯燥的学科,但有的教师在教 The famous British philosopher Bacon once said “read history makes people ”. History of high school is one of the important subjects in liberal arts teaching. Through the study of history, students can improve their world outlook, outlook on life and values ​​while cultivating their sound personality, strong will and energetic spirit and attitude. Comprehensive quality. This article discusses the strategies of cultivating students’ historical accomplishments from the aspects of research method, practice method, experiment method and multimedia teaching method. First, the use of research methods, teaching materials to adjust the teaching methods of history is a more boring discipline, but some teachers are teaching
细菌性角膜溃疡是致盲率很高的角膜疾患 ,往往由于治疗不及时或者细菌毒力强 ,药物疗效差而致角膜穿孔。在我们收治的细菌性角膜溃疡穿孔的病例中 ,儿童也占有相当比例 ,1998
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