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  Independence Day
  Independence Day is a huge celebration in the United States. People celebrate by having parades and picnics, and usually end the day with fireworks. So what do some of these words mean?
  Cities and towns, large and small across the U.S., close their main streets to make way for Independence Day parades. Clean and shiny firetrucks and school marching bands parade down the streets lined with people watching and cheering.
  Parade floats, which are decorated vehicles, carry local stars, like the child who won the spelling bee or the winner of a local beauty contest.
  People work very hard making a parade. So, the worst thing to happen on parade day is rain. To rain on someone’s parade is to ruin something for someone else. Here’s an example: “I hate to rain on your parade, but the guy you like is not coming to the party.”
  On Independence Day people in the U.S. like to eat outside. Friends, family, and neighbors will come together and picnic. Picnics are easy and fun. So, when something is difficult, we say it is no picnic. “Taking the
  TOEFL exam is no picnic. I studied for months and it was still so hard!”
  Many people around the world celebrate important days with fireworks, including the United States. Independence Day fireworks shows are explosive, bright and colorful.

  The word “fireworks” can be used in other situations, both good and bad. For example, if two people are having a fiery argument, others may tell them to “stop all the fireworks”. Fireworks, in this case, are a bad thing.
  But good fireworks are exciting and beautiful, like falling in love. A kiss or touch of a lover’s hand can create fireworks between two people. Even couples who have been married for many years but who are deeply in love can have fireworks explode each time they kiss.

  If you want to see real fireworks in the U.S., visit during the 4th of July. The U.S. traditionally celebrates its freedom with huge, outdoor public gatherings and fireworks at night.
  In Washington, D.C., for example, large crowds gather near the Washington Monument to listen to music and watch a big fireworks show. In other cities and smaller towns, local people also listen to concerts and watch fireworks explode after dark.
蔓延全球的“冰桶挑战”刚刚退烧,又有一拨新的“挑战”来到!在国外社交网站“脸书”上,全球爱书人在网上发起了“冰书挑战”,并逐渐在国内微博平台上传播开来。该活动要求被点名的挑战者,迅速列出影响自己最大的十本书,然后再点名十位挑战者。如果你是被点名的挑战者,对你影响最大的十本书是什么呢?  冰书挑战是根据冰桶挑战再创作而来。  The Book Bucket Challenge is a reimag
Well, it’s your birthday  Let’s act like it is  And just go crazy  Do what we want with no reason why  Life ain’t long enough  So let’s celebrate  And get drunk on good love  Remember what it’s like t
随着人们生活水平的提高,中国已经从“自行车王国”跨进“汽车王国”,但驾驶员的技术素质和思想素质依然低下,开“英雄车”“霸道车”“霸王车”的现象在中国驾驶员中屡见不鲜,而由此导致的交通事故在中国是比任何疾病都更可怕的夺命“疾病”!如何有效地保障行车安全,成了如今中国人生活中不得不认真正视的重大问题。针对这一情况,Huan Hsu提出把汽车的喇叭跟刹车踏板连在一起,或设置让车主丢脸的喇叭录音,以解决鲁
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摘要:英语谚语形象地反映出英语国家的价值观念,同时其鲜明的艺术性使学生易于接受。因此,英语教师通过谚语教学使学生吸取其有益部分是培养大学生品质素养的有效形式之一。  关键词:英语谚语;价值观;品质素养    Abstract: English proverbs vividly reflect the values of native English speakers. In addition, t
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