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我家的房子付完首付一直没钱装修,我与老公挤在他父母70平米的老房子里,一住就是三年。今年,我们咬紧牙根筹够了装修费,在花了4万装房子、2万买家具之后,留下来买家电的钱仅有9000元。9000,能把家电买齐吗?我盯着商场里标价上万的西门子双开门冰箱,眼都绿了:这要把心仪家电一件件买齐,攒钱攒到猴年马月去啦!老公在旁边殷勤地说:“要不分期付款?”我白了他一眼:分期付款不要手续费哪? My family’s house had no money to pay for the down payment. My husband and I were crowded in an old 70-square-meter house in his parents’ house and lived for three years. This year, we clenched our roots and raised enough decoration fees. After spending 40,000 houses and 20,000 purchases of furniture, the money left by buyers was only 9,000 yuan. 9000, can I buy home appliances? I stare at the mall’s tens of thousands of Siemens double-door refrigerators, eyes are green: this should be a piece of favorite appliances to buy, save money to the monkey year of the month to go! Husband next to it! Attentively say: “Do you want to pay in instalments?” I give him a glimpse: installments do not charge?
StevenSpielbergsfirstfilmsweremadeatatimewhendirectorswerethemostimportantpeopleinHollywood,andhismorerecentonesatatimewhenmark StevenSpielbergsfirstfilmsweremadeatatimewhendirectorswerethemostimportantpeopleinHollywood,andhismorerecentonesatatimewhenmar
京东屏蔽一淘,当然是害怕未来被挟持,同时也是对抗淘宝集团军的卡位之策。不过,有意思的现象是,为什么现在还很小的苏宁易购跳出来也宣布和淘宝作对,屏蔽一淘网的爬虫? Jing
E-commerce brings wealth to China’s rural villages by Yu Nan ON any given morning Qingyanliu seems dormant.Restaurants and parlors are closed and once bustling
在全国人民热烈庆祝中国共产党成立90周年,认真学习胡锦涛总书记重要讲话之际,大理州浙江商会会员企业雅尔康眼镜专业店举行了隆 While the people across the country warm
都市女孩有个“桃源梦”     河南内乡县大山深处一个叫河口村的地方,有一片4000多亩的山林。这里有成群结队的野猪在觅食,它们一个个嘴尖毛长,体格健壮。这些野猪平时吃的是青草、野菜和山楂等,偶尔还会享受到用玉米和糠麸加中草药配成的“绿色营养餐”。它们喝从山上引下来的山泉水。有时它们会很突然地狂奔起来,或撒起性子和同伴混战,显得异常凶悍……这里就是80后时尚辣妹毛容建起的“野猪王国”。  毛容是
Date:September 8-9,2011 Venue:Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center,China Hosts:United Nations Industrial Development Organization Ministry of C