Progress on the Structures and Functions of Aerogels

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wori147258
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Aerogel materials possess a wide variety of excellent functions,hence a striking number of applications have developed for them.In this paper,we present a historic review of the aerogel materials,showing the main concepts,research methods,important scientific problems,formation mechanism,structure characteristics and essence of aerogel.More applications are evolving as the scientific and engineering community,which becomes familiar with the unusual and exceptional physical properties of aerogels.In addition,we also discuss the huge development potential and prospect of polysaccharide aerogels as the research trend in the future. Aerogel materials have a wide variety of excellent functions, hence a striking number of applications have developed for them.In this paper, we present a historic review of the aerogel materials, showing the main concepts, research methods, important scientific problems, formation mechanism, structure characteristics and essence of aerogel. More applications are evolving as the scientific and engineering community, which becomes familiar with the unusual and exceptional physical properties of aerogels. In addition, we also discuss the huge development potential and prospect of polysaccharide aerogels as the research trend in the future.
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最近吐鲁番发现一枚宣统年间新疆吐鲁番私人商号“福聚成”票帖。此帖长 2 34、宽 1 1 7毫米 ,上方两边成斜角。下方直角。纸呈土黄褐色 ,为极具韧性的藏经纸 (如图 )。  
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