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2011年9月26日,由于一年五班班主任身体不适,由我接替了她的班主任工作。刚开始接这个班级,虽然校领导和其他老班主任都告诉我如何接管这个班级的方法,可我感觉实际做起来确实不容易,况且原来的班主任很优秀,她把班级的各个方面都管理得井井有条,令这个班级几乎成为全年级最优秀的班级。可恰恰就是这点,对于没有任何班主任工作经验的我着实感到了巨大压力。第一天清晨,我怀着一颗忐忑的心在上早自习时走入班级,班上60双眼睛齐刷刷地看着我,他们的眼睛都是红红的。我知道,原来的班主任和他们已经相处了一个多月,从上高中以来他们接触的就是原来的班主任,他的优秀是毋庸置疑的,所以师生间的感情自然是无比深厚。对于中途接班的我来说,我的角色相当于“替班”。所以,他们的心情我能理解。接下来我和他们讲了一段话,无疑都是鼓励他们的,但是有一些话到嘴边我又咽了回去。回到办公室后,我静静地坐在那里思考:班级的学风、班 On September 26, 2011, I took over the job as her teacher in charge of class because of the class teacher in charge of five classes a year. Just started to take this class, although the school leaders and other teachers have told me how to take over the class method, but I feel really is not easy to do, Moreover, the original class teacher is very good, she managed all aspects of the class are well-organized , So that this class almost become the best class in the whole year. This is exactly the point where I feel really under pressure to work without any class supervisor. In the early morning of the first day, I walked into the class with a carefree heart on my morning self-study. The eyes of my class were red with 60 pairs of eyes in full swing. I know, the original class teacher and they have been living together for more than a month, since high school they come into contact with the original class teacher, his goodness is beyond doubt, so the feelings between teachers and students is naturally very deep. For me to take over midway, my role is equivalent to “for class ”. So, I can understand their mood. Next I spoke with them, no doubt encourage them, but some words to my mouth and swallowed back. Back to the office, I sit there quietly thinking: class style, class
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