踩准市场舞步 舞出西部风采

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对地处偏远、经济发展相对滞后的地区,服务成本、销售力度、互动营销等措施的实施相比大城市来讲难度要大,所以更需要努力、辛劳和理性来看待、分析和运作市场。银川大中科学分析商品品类,主动出击、细分市场,站在消费者的立场引进产品。丰富的促销推广活动,确定厂商消费者三方信息对称,带动了整个宁夏地区家电零售行业的发展.本刊记者采访了董事长鲁践。 For remote areas where economic development is lagging behind, the implementation of measures such as service costs, sales efforts and interactive marketing is more difficult than that for metropolitan cities. Therefore, more efforts are required to work hard, hardworking and rational to analyze and operate the market. Yinchuan Dazhong science analysis of commodity categories, take the initiative to break down the market, standing on the position of consumers to introduce products. Rich promotional activities to determine the tripartite information symmetry manufacturers, led the entire appliance retail industry in Ningxia development.Our correspondent interviewed Lu Jian, chairman.
你想健康地活到120岁吗?或许《莫伦医生的抗老食谱》可以提供答案。 莫伦医生在美国医学界有相当知名度,是凤凰城西南健康院的创办人。他在这部新书中提出的抗老食谱,其要点